It was a family dinner and all the family was planning to do some interesting things like sing some traditional songs, make a exchange, eat a lot of delicious saucers, and play table games.Bpb was so nervous because his mom told he that she will invite a girl who has been his secret love since he was in first grade of high school, she was the perfect girl, her eyes are like blue with green, it was taller than he, she is so interesting is always reading science fiction books.
Her name was Kate like a princess name, Bob and Kate try a lot of times to have a relationship, but always something happend, Kate moved to another city, so they cant continue with the relationship.
Bob hurry up to be at the time of the dinner, then the doorbell rang and when he opened the door Kate was there and he cant believe it, he started to feel butterflies in his stomach, his eyes were shining.
Kate entered to the house and they started to talk about the past, about how the teachers and some students were bad with they, and a lot of things like that, She told that her boyfriend will came to the dinner Bob was really sad, and thougthfull he was thinking about how it will be, be in a relationship with Kate.
Then they went to the table to talk with my family, when mi grandmother served the saucers the boyfriend arrive to the house, the entire house was feeling the negative energy. When he entered to the house was a little bit angry, so he strarted to shout to Kate.
All in the dinner were confused, we try to control Chad( Boyfriend of Kate) but he was really angry, kate came and started to talk with him, Kate was really upset and confuse so they take the decision to left the house and when they come back they take a lot of time, she was crying , Chad told us that Kate was a secret agent of the FBI, and that he discovered by some papers that he found in the house with some keys, Chad was angry because she lie to her, so Chad make a phone call to a friend, and his friend help to understand that keys.
Kate try to explain all the situation, she didnt want to cheat Chad, but in the FBI they told her to didnt say nothing, so she didnt have any alternative, Kate was very ashamed, she try to call his boss a lot of times to quit, but when he finally answered the phone, Kate left the house and started to shout and figth.
Bob started to behave weird, and he said that he have to left the house to went with a friend to play some videogames, the grandmother got angry because she wanted to have the perfect dinner, and to open the gifts, so Bob will have to stay until it finishes, when the time was passing he was more nervous. The exchange start, it was turn of Bob to give the gift to his grandmother, when suddenly his phone started to ring he literaly ran to the door and got into the car, Kate ran and make a phone call, Bob was going like a crazy all over the city, the police started to follow he It was a persecution, but wait why were they chasing Bob, well he was a wanted because he was a famous criminal he did really bad things like steal, and even kill two persons, when they finally catch Bob, he confessed everything, Kate was spying and following all of his movements to get evidence, Bob face a court and went to prision, his secret love was the one that finished everything, the grandmother unknow Bob, and he got so sad, nobody after the new came up visited he,Bob is going to be in prision a lot of years.
When Bob left the prision.......................