I realized something.

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Okay disclaimer here

I do not put my faith in god. I don't like the bible and I don't pray. If that offends you I'm sorry but its the way I am.

But just because i dont put my faith in god doesn't mean there isn't some sort of celestial being out there.

I don't think one magic man in the sky made the whole universe but I'm not eliminating the kdea there's some thing or embodiment out there that controls things like karma.

Now we got the religious stuff outa the way.

So my grammy was sick for a while and still is. They thought it was cancer.

I didn't want to lose her. I did anything, I prayed for her.

Now it might sound rediculous that I find praying stupid but I do. I think praying is pretty dumb sounding.

All like
'Oh dear god jeasus Allah waht ever your name is I want an A on my next exam make me do well.'

NOT JOKING THAT'S MY MOM (she's 30+ and in college she prays About litterly everything,no she wasn't a teen mom she came to this country as an immigrant ill share about that later).

Any who I did pray, and for some one who is a non believer it felt like this weird sense of not listening to what I always said about not believing in god. But I did, I find it doubtful that my praying as well as my family's made the tests come back negative bute it did and I'm happy it did.

Here's what I thought while I was praying:

Dear who ever you are, god, celestial being, what ever. I'm giving you a chance to prove you're a thing. If you do, who knows I'll be more open to religious things if not, screw it, God's not real. If you care as much as people think you do then help my Grammy out. She's sick and cancer will kill her.

I went on like that for a bit before I was done With whatever. Low and behold the next day my grandma is cancer negative and it occurred to me that I threatened god? Geez that's edgy.

My beliefs are what they've been, mixed but not faithful to this embodiment of god.

That's all u guys just wanted to share, and if ur wondering Grammy is doing better, they think she may have terberculosis or however its spelt.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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