The change

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Most peoples dream to be popular, but Kathleen wants to be noticed.

Kathleen was a nerdy girl through junior high and she wants that to change. She has only one friend and her name is Trish Fry. So for the summer she leaves her home town to her grandparents in England and that's where she starts to change.

Will her looks be enough to be noticed or will she get too much of what she asked for?


Chapter one ( the change )

*- Kathleen's POV-*

I'm Kathleen honers and In school I was considered the nerd. I was unnoticed by everyone. No one acknowledged me and well it never bothered me until now. I'm going to be starting high school and I don't want to be some loser who graduated and everyone would forget. So I planned on changing my whole look and that's what I did. For the summer I was off to England to visit my grandparents. For my birthday I had gotten a lot of money, so I thought that will be enough to make the change. Trish knew what I had planned, but she doesn't know what I'll look like after. I was tall, just about 5"9, long dark brown hair that was always in a ponytail, big brown eyes, skinny, long legs, I always wore a t-shirt and skinny jeans.

I went shopping for new outfits, got my hair changed, nails done, and learned how to do my make up. I loved my new look and I knew this will make me be noticed. I made sure I had everything packed and ready for heading back home. I get back around ten at night and the next day I start school. Trish won't have a chance to see me, so she just has to wait to see my new look at school tomorrow.

*- Garret's POV-*

I am not excited to start school today, but for some reason I feel like this year will be different. I'm starting high school today and I know it's going to e busy since I was the caption of the football team, so being mr popular does get tiring from time to time. I throw on a plain t-shirt, my football jacket, comfy blue jeans, my short brown hair was a bit messy but I didn't care, I was going to shave my beard but I just left it. I quickly grabbed my bag and walked off to my truck.

As getting closer to the school I start to wonder what will change this year from last year. I know we are all a year older but how much could have changed over the summer. I stepped out of my truck and started my way to the school. I knew I wouldn't get far before someone would stop me to talk to me. Of corse it was Shelly the head cheerleader. She always thought we should date since most captions do, but she wasn't my type. She was short, long blonde hair, small waist, and her voice was so annoying.

"Oh my gosh Garret it feels like forever since I've seen you. Like we should tots get together some time." As she talked she was playing with her hair and trying to show off her boobs.

"Hi Shelly. Maybe but I have to go talk to coach. I'll catch you later." I always try to be nice. I don't want to be the typical football jerk.

"Okay Garret. Like see you later." She walked away trying really hard to sway her hips. I tried to hide my laugh.

I was just about to walk inside the school when something or should I say someone caught my eye. I've never seen her before. She must be new because I would never miss someone that beautiful. She had medium length curly dark brown hair, the most amazing brown eyes, she was wearing a shiny purple top that showed very little cleavage, a black pencil skirt to show off those amazing long legs, and I pair of black heels. She was already tall but those heels defined her legs. I couldn't stop staring.

"Hey man you might want to close your mouth a fly might get in there." I didn't even notice my best friend Frank was near me.

"Yo Frank whose the new girl?" I tried my best to look away but I couldn't stop looking at her.

"I don't know man. I think she's new, but man she is one fine chick." She had to be new and I had to get to know her.

"I'm going to introduce myself." Right as I said that I walked away from Frank and made my way to her. As I got closer I could tell there was something about her that made me want to know everything about her, but there was alos something familour about her. "Hey new girl?" She looked around and saw me. She gave me this puzzled look.

"Are you talking to me?" She looked at me in total confusion. Of course I was talking to her. There isnt another new girl is there.

"Well of course I'm talking to you beautiful. I don't see any other new girl." I laughed and gave her my signature smirk. She giggled and shook her head.

"Garrett you should know who I am. If you want to know so bad why don't you figure it out." How would I know who she is. She giggled, tossed her hair over her shoulder and gracefully walked away. I was in total shock. Who is that girl? I needed to figure it out and how did my charm not work on her. It works on any other girl.


How was that? I know I"m not very good at writing, but if you"d like to tell me what I need to fix go right ahead. I"d love your feed back.

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