Meeting Sherman

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Penny and I were walking to school. You may be wondering if Penny and I are friends. Not really. We are sisters. Twin sisters to be precise. But we are nothing alike. She is Yin,I am yang. My name is (y/n) peterson.
I herd that we were getting a new kid at the school. I saw him in the front outside,but his dad was a dog? I thought it was cute. I saw Penny, and her friends snickering. I rolled my eyes and walked to class. Turns out The new boy and I are in the same class. He sat right behind me. Before class started I turned around and smiled at him.
"Hi,I am (Y/N) Peterson. You must be lucky having a dog as a dad."I said. He blushed a little.
"Hi,I am Sherman."he said. Class then started. Turns out Sherman was smarter than Penny,and that is saying something.
It was lunch time. I grabbed my lunch and headed towards Sherman and his new friends.
"Hey guys,may I sit here?"I asked. They nodded. I sat beside sherman.
"So,you like it here so far?"I asked Sherman. He nodded. I saw Penny coming up to us."Uh oh."I said. Sherman turned and saw Penny.
"So,what are you eating?Doggy biscuts?"Penny said.Sherman looked confused."Actually,I have a grilled cheese,baby carrot sticks and apple juice."Sherman said."Oh,so you eat human food?"Penny said."knock it off Penny."I said."Zip it (Y/N)."she said."uh,yeah,why wouldn't i?"Sherman said."Because your dad is a dog,so you're a dog too."she said."Penny,it's an adoptive relation ship--""Shut up (Y/N).Whatch."She slapped Sheman's food out of his hands."Go on be a good doggie. Go get your food.arf arf."Penny said. Sherman got up to get his food and Penny grabbed his dog whistle."What's this?"she asked."Give it back,it's mine."He said. She put him in a choke hold."Not until you admit it. Come on say,you're a dog."She said."No."He said."Say it."she said. Then he bit her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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