Leaving isn't an option

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Stiles and Jackson have a rough history. A very rough history, from Jackson bullying Stiles, to Stiles putting wolfsbane inside of Jackson's protein bottle before lacrosse practice (it wasn't enough to hurt him just enough to make him a little disoriented jeez). Neither of them knew each other's past very well although they would claim it was simple, Jackson was adopted and Stiles mom died. Now though they've started rethinking those opinions.

It started on a Friday. Stiles wouldn't admit to ever thinking the thoughts that popped into his head. He just shook his head and continued walking. Although Jackson heard the slight jump in Stiles heart, he refused to say anything though, it bothered him enough that he knew Stiles heartbeat. So they both just continued on their day but by the time lacrosse practice was out Jackson wasn't feeling good, in fact he felt sick to his stomach. But he wasn't supposed to get sick so why was he feeling sick now? He stumbled through the locker room after everyone left. That was kind of his habit, he didn't really want everyone to look at him. Plus Stiles and Scott and Isaac always talked about werewolf stuff and he had heard enough about it when he was at pack meetings. Today was different though because now he wished someone was there because he felt his legs starting to give out beneath him. Closing his eyes he waited to greet the ground but it never came. Instead the most cliche thing happened, he felt arms wrap around his waist and hoist him up. He looked it to see who performed this cliche chick flick move but suddenly he became the cliche one because he got lost in Stiles chocolate eyes. Suddenly he realized just how muscular Stiles arms were around him, and when did that happen. Stiles used to be scrawny and lanky and now he was fluid and muscular and how did he never notice this.

"Hey you alright there?" And wow he sounded genuinely concerned and when did Stiles care about him? He used all the strength he could, which was surprisingly a lot for the fact that he just had his legs give out from underneath him. Stiles arms dropped from him but he quickly wished they hadn't because one he found himself missing the warmth of them and two his legs started to give out again. So he was suddenly very glad that Stiles was there.

Stiles POV:

" Jackson are you alright?" He looked like he was getting very irritated and very quickly as well. But suddenly he looked up and all of the anger disappeared from his face and all the worry I could feel slip off of mine. I just wrapped my arm around him and hoisted him up again then put his arm around my neck. He was regaining strength again, for which I was glad because I felt like he was gonna punch the daylights out of me for even touching him. But instead he just nodded his head at me and we began walking to my jeep, there was no way I was letting him drive when he was like this.

"I'm taking you to Deaton's office maybe he can figure out what's going on okay?" I looked over at him quickly to see if he was still alright. He just nodded his head, I turned back forward and used my free hand to get out my keys. This proved to be difficult and I couldn't get them so I quickly looked over at him and saw him looking straight forward not even acknowledging my existence and for once I was fine with this. I quickly made my keys slip out of my pocket, none of the pack knew that I wasn't actually an ADHD ridden kid. Actually I was a spark and surprisingly I was a very powerful one too, but that was only because I had quite a bit of demon blood flowing through me as well. I looked back over at him to see he was still looking forward, thank god.

I opened the passenger car door and helped him get in the went to my side and opened the door and started the car. Only to feel his stare, he was impressed I didn't know why but I feel it. Yeah downside to the demon blood was that I could feel and see other peoples emotions and read their thoughts but I already knew how to control that. I just looked back at him and saw him raise an eyebrow at me. I just smirked back and shook my head and turned back to driving although I didn't have to I could see literally everything around me by just looking forward. It could be fun sometimes.

Stopping the car, I hopped out and went over to his side and helped him out and spoke to Deaton's mind telling him to meet me outside and come get Jackson I had a call to make. Just a few minutes later he was outside and taking Jackson from me, I just smiled at Jackson said a quick thank you to Deaton then pulled out my phone and transported to a distance where I knew that Jackson couldn't hear me.


"Hey Derek, I'm at Deaton's with Jackson something happened at school so I took him straight here" I heard his sigh and I willed myself to stop listening to Jackson and Deaton's thoughts.

"Are you guys still coming or should we meet you there" I thought about it then channeled into Deaton's thoughts to see how much longer he would need. After only getting Deaton's grumbling he channeled his eyesight to his office only to see that Jackson was getting weaker again, with a reluctant sigh he returned to normal and told Derek to meet him there and transported back to the office.

"How's he doing?" Seeing as Jackson was fully unconscious he just asked Deaton.

"I'm not entirely sure yet are the pack coming?" I just shook my head yes then turned back to Jackson's body noticing the fluttering in his eyes, he was struggling to wake up I could tell. I looked to Deaton and he just nodded. I took Jackson's hand then started pouring some of my energy into him so he could peacefully sleep. Once I noticed his breathing even out I pulled back and passed out back into the seat. Of course this just happened to be when the pack came through door.

I woke up to so many emotions around me, worry, gratefulness, relief, exhaustion there were so many of them. I just knew that today leaving Deaton's wouldn't be an option.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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