The Begining of the End

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Craig walked into the school hallway, he looked for Kenny frantically, eventually rushing over to Clyde, clearly distraught. "Where's Kenny?!" Clyde looked over at Craig. "He had to go back to the hospital while you were absent, I should've told you, but-" Craig grabbed Clyde by the shoulders roughly. "Which hospital?" Clyde shook his head. "I don't know, Craig." Craig slid against the lockers, hugging his knees. "Is he okay?" Clyde frowned and patted Craig's shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be okay...Once we find out you can visit him, all right?"

At lunch, Craig was sitting on a planter next to Kyle. "I know it's hard, Craig, but maybe you should try and visit him after school?" Craig started crying out of pure anger, starting to yell. "Why?! So I can watch him rot away?! I don't want to see him like that! I don't want to see him die!" Kyle winced. "Hey, hey, don't talk like that. He's not gonna die." Craig broke into a sob, slowly winding up curled in a slight ball. This was the first time he actually had to face the fact that Kenny could legitimately die. Kenny had been sick for a long time, Craig just never thought it would get this serious. He was so scared to lose someone so important to him. Kenny was practically a part of him. All of his emotions had started to boil over, he could only get them out through anger and he hated it. He had decided to distance himself from everyone as far as he could. He stood up walked away from Kyle, secluding himself in the bathroom. He really wanted to visit Kenny, he loved him dearly, it was just the fact that he had no idea what could happen to Kenny. He didn't want to see Kenny hurt, his mind immediately went to the worst, him at the hospital, sitting next to a fading memory of what Kenny used to be. At the same time he also knew that Kenny needed him. He decided that he would skip school and go.

Hopefully everything would be okay...Hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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