fuck thanksgiving

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I try so hard to please everyone and to be lively. But
the crude remarks, racist jokes get to me. How can
you make a sexist joke when you were born from a
vagina? How can you say that groping women is
okay? How can you say that because I have breast I must clean after you and serve you food? I'm disgusted. I wish I could be stronger and tell them to stop. That everything they are saying is wrong but when I go to do so, I noticed that no one else seems to be bothered. The women have their eyes down staring at the plates while the men keep on trading remarks. I wonder if it's just me... if I'm over sensitive? Then I go on twitter and noticed that there are plenty of women out there fighting for their freedom, for their education, for their future. I feel ashamed because who am I to sit quietly while I listen to old men talk about reproductive rights when it will NEVER impact them. Why can't I be louder? Stronger? Braver? When I read milk and honey I cried. I breathed everything Rupi wrote but does it matter if I'm not strong enough to stand up for what I believe it. Why is it that it's so easy for me to argue with strangers over the internet but not my "loved ones?" As I sit in my room pretending to be asleep, I can hear the strangers leave, do I say something before they go? Do I tell them what's on my mind? Do I speak of rape? Do I speak of the injustice that women in our country face? Do I talk about equal pay? Do I talk about — too late. Everyone's gone. Maybe next year, I'll speak up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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