🌹I'm sorry🌹

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You were sitting in your livingroom watching your favorite TV show. You had finally gotten your 5 year old daughter Aleaha to sleep and you placed her upstairs in her bedroom. You finally had some quiet time to yourself. You continued to watch your show as your phone vibrated. You picked it up off the coffee table and seen that Ricky had texted you.

"In 10.."

That was was all he texted you. You looked at it confused. You didn't understand it and so you didn't respond. You went on with your show and forgot about the text. Then you heard a very loud and heavy knock on your front door. You looked at the time and it was 11:oo at night. 'Who the hell would be here at almost midnight?' You thought. You got up from your couch and answered the door. Stand there was a very drunk Ricky. You only knew he was drunk because of the amount of alcohol you smelt. He lifted his head up and looked at you. He snickered and smiled. You weren't impressed, you never were when he showed up like this. "My uber driver's car smelt like pizza and I almost threw up.." He slurred. "Really Ricky? Again?" You asked and moved aside so he could come inside. You shut the door behind him and that's when you seen the half empty whiskey bottle in his hand. Your eyes got wide and you snatched it out of his hands. "What the fuc-" "You know better than to bring this shit here Ricky." You stormed off into the kitchen and started pouring it down the drained. Then out of no where Ricky aggressivly spun you around and pushed you against the wall. "Give it back." He slurred. "No, let me go." You said and tried to get away from him. He grabbed your wrist and hit against the edge of the sink, you dropped the bottle causing it smash loudly. "What the fuck Y/N! I was gonna drink that!" He yelled angrily.

You were no longer mad, you were scared. Ricky had never put his hands on you like this, not even in a joking manner. "Ricky.." was all you managed to say before the presents of your daughter greeted you. "Mommy?" She said sleepily. You got away from Ricky and walked over to her. "Everything is fine baby, come on let's go back to bed." "No.. I wanna see Wicky.." You sighed. You've never told your daughter no when it come to Ricky. You knew she loved him just as much as you did. You seen the way her eyes light up when she see's him, the sound of her giggle gave you so much warmth when her and Ricky played together. You looked at Ricky and he looked at her. You seen the adortion in his eyes. You knew she was his weakness. "Aleaha, you can see me later okay? You gotta go to bed.." He tried not to slur but it didn't work. "Why are you tawking funny Wicky?" She asked. "I'm just really tired babygirl." He walked over to her and picked her up. "Let mommy take you back to bed, I promise you can see me later.." she nodded and hugged him before he handed her to you. Quickly and slightly in a panic you took Aleaha back upstairs to her room. "Mommy, why does wicky smell funny?" She asked and yawed. You racked your bed trying to find an excuse. "Um, Ricky just got left a bad place and so when he was inside it made him smell.." the excuse sounded better in your head. But it didn't matter. You sat with her until she was lightly snoring. You walked out of her room and closed the door this time. When you went back downstairs Ricky was gone. "Rick?" You called out. There was no answer but you heard him from the back door. You walked to him and seen he was throwing up everything he consumed tonight. He was in the middle of your backyard on his hands and knees with his back to you. Your heart broke, this wasn't the Ricky you knew and loved. This Ricky was a monster hidden deep inside him. After he was done he stood up and walked back to you. "I should-" "Shut up.." you cut him off. You pointed to inside the house and he walked in. "Go upstairs to the guest bedroom and sleep this shit off, we'll talk when you wake up." He nodded and up the stairs he went. Everything was quiet again. You walked into the kitchen and started cleaning Ricky's mess. As you got down on your knee and picked up the glass you started to cry. This isn't the first time Ricky has showed up drunk, that's not a suprise. But what he did tonight was. You felt so much, fear, anger, hurt. How could he put you through this when he knew about your past?..

~Ricky's pov~5:00am~

That familliar feeling appeared in my stomach again. It wasn't bad until I sat  up in bed. I quickly rushed across the hall and threw up again. Why am I like this? Why can't I just be good enough? Why can't I just be loved? After I was done, I stood up and brushed my teeth with the extra toothbrush Y/N leave's me. I turned off the bathroom light and that's when I noticed it was light outside. I walked downstairs to leave because I didn't wanna face Y/N. I couldn't. I was almost gone until I seen Y/N sleeping on the couch. My heart sunk. Who could I do this to her? I know what she's been through and last night was unforgivable. Quietly as I could I walked over to her and sat down on the couch in front of her, her face was stained in tears. I know I broke her heart.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Last night was so disrespectful and I don't know why I did it. I'm sorry for a lot of things." I whispered to her. As carefully as I could I grabbed her hand and held it. "I'm sorry for hurting you, i'm sorry for not being good enough, i'm sorry for every wrong thing i've done to you.. I'm sorry for being alive.." I broke down into tears. "I love you so much and it fucks with my mind.. I wanna let you in, but I don't wanna hurt you.." I picked up her hand and kissed it. I wiped my eyes and stood up. "I need to make things better for you.. not worse, i'm leaving Y/N and i'm not coming back.."

I took one last look at Y/N before I started walking to the door. I unlocked the door and was almost gone until a tight grip was around my wrist. I turned around quickly and there was Y/N. Tears in her eyes again and she was shaking her head. "I love you...please don't go.." she cried softly. I started to cry again.. "I-I can't hurt you." She didn't say anything, she engulfed me in a hug and we cried on each others shoulders.

She pulled me back inside the house and looked at me. "If you leave, you hurt me.. but you'll hurt Aleaha too.. don't do that to her.. she loves you so much.." I nodded. "I know, believe me I love her too. I've always called her mine.. but she doesn't deserve someone like me." "Stop saying that! Quit saying these things like you're gonna leave, you're not leaving us Ricky." I just looked in her eyes. "I understand you have issues Ricky, it's okay. But walking away is never an option when it comes to me." I nodded. Y/N brought her hand up and wiped away my tears. "I love you..." i said. "I know Ricky.." She leaned in and kissed me. It was passionate. I never felt anything like it from anyone before. This kiss made me feel like everything will be okay. Once she pulled away and i hugged her again.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you Ricky.."


Hey guys, i'm sorry if this is shit. I kinda wrote it in the spare of the moment.. Hope you like it!!

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