Love is Love

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With quivering hands, a young man with blonde hair, finally opened the door earning a lovely chime of the bell. The young man was greeted with colorful flowers all over the small shop.

“Oh! Jimin-ah good evening! What brings you here? Finally going to confess your undying love for Jungkook~” Another young man with a bright red hair said. Jimin, the young man with a blonde hair, blushed as he shyly nod.

"Y-Yeah, Taehyung threatened me if I don't do anything about it" Jimin said.

"Ahh true, Taehyung can be impatient" The red hair guy said as Jimin sighs.

"Yeah, anyways! Hoseok hyung w-what flower should I give Jungkook?" Jimin asks.

"Jiminie, there are a lot of flowers here in the shop, why don't you tell me what flowers remind you of Jungkook?" Hoseok, the red hair guy, said as he pointed over the flowers.

"I guess that's a good idea" Jimin said as he started walking.

"Just tell me if you found something!" Hoseok said with a bright smile.

"I will Hoseok hyung" Jimin said as he turn his attention back to the flowers.

"Ah, there's a lot of beautiful flowers" Jimin mumbles as he walks to the hallway filled with flowers all over the place

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"Ah, there's a lot of beautiful flowers" Jimin mumbles as he walks to the hallway filled with flowers all over the place.

"Hmm, a flower that represents Jungkook-" Jimin stop at his tracks as he saw a particular flower.

The flower is slightly pink, and it had a near perfect symmetry between the petals. Jimin doesn't know why, but for some apparent reason the flower attracts him. Jimin slowly reach out for the flower-

"Ah, camellia isn't it lovely?" Hoseok said behind Jimin causing Jimin to jump in surprise.

"Ah! Hyung! You scared me" Jimin said as he held his chest due to his heart racing.

"Hahaha sorry Jiminie, I didn't mean it but do you know the meaning of camellia?" Hoseok asks. Jimin shook his head negatively.

"Well it's based on their colors, on what they mean" Hoseok said.

"Like a red rose is for love, but a white rose means purity?" Jimin asks.

"Yep! Exactly! A red camellia means love, a white camellia means waiting and a yellow camellia means longing" Hoseok says as he pointed the specific flowers.

"Wow it's kind of like roses but different" Jimin said as Hoseok agrees.

"Does these flowers remind you of Jungkookie~" Hoseok teases as Jimin's cheeks flushes.

"Ahh stop it hyung!" Jimin said as Hoseok laughs.

"So do you want this flowers?" Hoseok asks. Jimin contemplates for a second.

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