Episode 10 - Fading People

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Previously: Melissa, The Sheriff, and Stiles were all turned to stone, Deaton told Lydia that only she could save Beacon Hills. Tamora helped Stiles fight the Anuk-Ite. Jacob was trapped in Eichen House. The Anuk-Ite was turning people into stone for fun. 


Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Malia Tate 
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar 

Also Starring:

Melissa McCall 
Sheriff Stilinski
Chris Argent
Cora Hale 
Corey Bryant 
Deputy Jordan Parrish 
Jacob Tenner/The Resurrector
Kate Argent 
Jennifer Blake 
Tamora Monroe 

Chris and Cora follow Kate as she walks outside. Kate opens the door and smiles "fresh air, gotta love that" Chris looks at her as she then takes her first step outside and she then looks in shock as she goes "are you kidding me?" Chris and Cora look at her until she then turns to stone and Cora quickly runs over and shuts the door and Chris looks in shock.
Jordan stands in the Sheriff's office with Lydia, Scott, Allison, and Malia. Jordan goes "you want me to do what?" Lydia goes "give out handguns to the public, the Anuk-Ite is going to kill everyone until no one is left! You get that?" Jordan looks at her "only the Sheriff can make that decision" Lydia shouts "YOU ARE THE ACTING SHERIFF! Stiles's dad isn't around so you are the Sheriff!" Jordan looks at her and Scott then looks at him "what she said" Malia smiles.
Liam and Corey walk together and as they walk together they then walk past a house. Liam then stops and he walks backwards and looks through the window and goes "oh my god" Corey looks at him "Liam?" Corey walks over and looks in the window "no" Liam and Corey look through the window at a family who have been turned to stone. Liam then starts running ahead and he runs over to another house and looks through the window at another house and an elderly couple have been turned to stone. Corey goes "it's turning everyone to stone" Liam looks at him.
Chris runs with Cora as they then see Jennifer and she smiles "what's wrong?" Chris looks at her "the Anuk-Ite...it's here" Cora nods "it got Kate" Jennifer laughs "pity" Cora then looks at her until she then knocks Chris out. Cora's eyes glow gold and she growls at Jennifer but Jennifer then punches her in the face and she falls the floor. The Anuk-Ite they walks in and Jennifer goes "I only want the man" the Anuk-Ite then looks at Cora, she then opens her eyes as turns to stone. 
Scott looks at Lydia "you stay with Parrish and help him! Allison! Find your dad, we need him. Malia, with me" Malia nods and she runs off with Scott. Malia and Scott then get into the Jeep and Malia looks at him and goes "Scott?" Scott looks at her "we're losing".

Scott drives the Jeep and Malia looks at him "where are we going?" Scott goes "Stiles knew we were gonna lose, he was recruiting people to help us" Malia then nods "Tamora?" Scott nods "she knows that the Anuk-Ite is more dangerous than us" Malia nods "we need her help" Scott smiles "yeah we do" Malia smiles and she puts her hand on his. 
Lydia sits in a car with Jordan and he goes "alright, first house". Lydia and Jordan walk up to a house and Jordan knocks on the door. Lydia stands there waiting until there's no response. Jordan knocks again and Lydia walks over to the window and looks through until she goes "nobody answering the door" Jordan nods "I can see" Lydia looks at him "I mean they're not answering! They're stone" Liam and Corey then appear around the corner and Lydia looks at him "Liam?" Liam goes "It's everyone, everyone's been turned" Lydia then stares in shock. Lydia stands in a dark room and she goes "hello? HELLO?" Meredith then appears "Lydia" Lydia stares in shock "Meredith?" Meredith smiles "I needed you" Lydia looks at her "what for?" Meredith then opens a door and shows Lydia what Beacon Hills is like in the future and Lydia stares in shock "there's nobody here" Meredith looks at her "look again" Lydia then looks as she sees herself walking down a road by herself and Meredith goes "everyone dies and you are left here" Lydia looks at her "like The Ghost Riders?" Meredith nods. Lydia then takes a deep breath and Liam goes "Lydia?" Lydia looks at him "the Anuk-Ite creates fear...Scott split us all up. What if that was out of fear?" Jordan looks at her "what are you saying?" Lydia looks at him "I think the Anuk-Ite is going to take one of us" Corey looks in shock.
As Scott sits in the Jeep, Malia looks at him "Scott? Your heart..it's beating like crazy" Scott looks at her "I'm terrified, I lost my mom, best friend...I can't lose you" Malia looks at him until the engine in the jeep then catches on fire and Scott looks in shock "No!" Scott stops the Jeep and as he and Malia get out, Malia then jumps out and sees the Anuk-Ite looking at her, Scott shouts "MALIA!" Malia then turns to stone and Scott stares in shock. 

In Scott's house, Lydia stands with Allison, Liam, Corey, and Jordan. Scott walks in carrying Malia and he places her beside Melissa, Stiles and The Sheriff. Tamora then walks in and Scott looks at everyone "we're losing, we need her help otherwise Beacon Hills is gone" Lydia looks at him and Allison goes "Kate and Cora had been turned to stone, my dad's missing" Scott looks around "Kira?" Jordan shakes his head "she didn't come back" Jordan then walks over to the window and looks out of it. Tamora holds her gun and she goes "I am sorry for what I did, Gerard filled my head with things" Liam looks at her "we need all the help we can get" Tamora nods at him. Scott then looks at Lydia "have you had anything? Felt anything?" Lydia looks at him "I had...something" Allison walks over to her "something?" Lydia looks at her "when I was with Jordan, Liam, and Corey. Meredith came to me" Scott looks at her "what did she say?" Lydia sighs "not much, she showed me the future" Allison looks at Scott and then back at Lydia "well? What was it?" Lydia then sighs "everyone's dead, except me. The Anuk-Ite leaves me behind with the bodies" Scott looks at her "shit" Scott then looks at Tamora "do you know of any place we can hide? The Anuk-Ite will find us here" Tamora thinks until Liam goes "the bunker?" Scott looks at him "yeah, that'll do". Everyone starts to pack up and Lydia goes "Jordan come on" Scott then stops and looks over at Jordan "Parrish?" Allison looks at them as Lydia then touches his arm and he turns around and his body turns to stone and Lydia stares in shock "IT'S HERE!" Scott turns around and he then senses the Anuk-Ite and he goes "CLOSE YOUR EYES!". Lydia keeps hers open and as the Anuk-Ite walks upstairs, Lydia then stomps her foot on the ground and she screams and pushes it towards the Anuk-Ite. The Anuk-Ite is flung out of the window and she goes "come on! QUICK!". Scott, Allison, Lydia, Liam, Corey, and Tamora then run downstairs and outside. Tamora runs over to a truck and goes "inside, it's mine" Tamora starts the engine an as she turns the headlights on, Jennifer appears and she goes "WAIT!" Scott goes "let her in! She's with us!" Jennifer jumps into the truck and she smiles "thank you". 

Next Time - Your Decision - With what's left of Beacon Hills still standing, an unlikely ally joins the pack to help stop the creature. Lydia manages to find a way to find the creature but she doesn't know how to kill it. The war begins. 

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