The Unknown World

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~I Know That My Other Stories Have Been Deleted But This One Won't. But I Really Hope That You Guys Like The Story. Comment What You Think About It And Please Vote. Thank You Guys So Much. Enjoy The Story :)~



I was sleeping in my bed, with my little build-a-bear bear. My night light began to flicker and I woke up. I notice a shadow in the corner of my room. It looked like a monster with big claws the size of my whole hand. I quickly put the covers over my head and began to whimper. I heard foot steps and I started to cry. I knew that I was going to die, as I was ready for the beast to attack. the foot steps grew quiet and I still didn't move. Moments went by and I began to think that maybe it was all in my head. I took the blankets off of my head and walk out of my room and down the hallway. I couldn't help but notice the creature in my parents room. He was on the side if the bed where my mom was. I wanted to scream, but I didn't know what was going to happen if I did. I sat their and watched to creature look down at her. I kept on thinking that my dad was going to wake up but he was knocked out cold. I hid behind the wall until I heard a scream from my mom. I looked and saw my dad fighting with the beast. The beast pushed my dad and went back to my mother and grab her by her throat and began choking her. My dad was grunting and grab a lamp and smashed it onto the creature head. It dropped my mom and went back to fighting with my dad. My instincts told me to help my dad but it would only give him one more person to worry about, but my heart said to help mom and make sure that she was okay. She was barely conscience but when she saw me she looked at me and told me to hide and that my dad and her and would be just fine.

I nodded my head no and held her hand. She looked down and shook her head and hugged me. She let my go and grab and picture frame and smashed I top of its head head again. We are beating the creature. I saw how mom and dad were fighting it off but than just when they were about to kill it her jamed it's hand into my father chest. My father grunted and looked at me. I began to cry my eyes out. He said something but I couldn't under stand and my mother just stared at my father with her hands on her mouth as she cried. The creature ripped out its heart and my father fell onto the floor of their bed room. I looked at the beast because I knew that I was next to go. It had my fathers heart in his hand. He dropped it and turned around and walked towards my mother. My mother ran out of the room. I followed behind the creature and noticed that my mother went to the kitchen. I knew what she was going to try to do, she was going to kill the monster by stabbing it with a knife. She ran and got a book. A book? I was puzzled on why she was getting a book instead of a knife. She flipped pages and began to preach words that I never heard in my life. The beast began to scream. The scream was eirie and made it feel like my brain was about to explode, but when I look at my mom she was still standing tall and saying the words from the book. And in moments the beast went down and it became instantly quiet, I began to think that maybe he was dead but a little thought in my head kept on telling me that maybe he was just un conscience.

"Come on Saidie, we have to go up stairs." My mom said as she put her hand in my shoulder and we walked back up into her room. She sat next to my dad and and put her hand on his face. We both began to cry. I was so busy crying that from the corner of my eye I saw another shadow figure. I wanted all of this to be nightmare but the pain was too real for it to be fake. When I turned around I sighed. A mysterious man was in the doorway. His eyes were black and he was pale white. My mom didn't notice until I screamed when he walked toward us. She grab my hand and we walked backward until we ran into the wall.

"Awe, don't worry sweeting." He said me. He moved a piece if hair out of my face. Tears were rolling down my face.

"You're not on my hit list tonight." He finished he looked up at my mother. She pushed me and looked at him. He put his hand on her face and neck, my mom told me to run but he said I wouldn't unless you want to regret it. He looked back at my mom. She was breathing hard and looked at him.

"If you touch her...I'll end you." She said. I could tell that she was loosing all of her oxygen. He looked at me. He started to chuckle. "I'm not going to hurt her. I have big plans for your daughter. I need her alive for my plans if any of this will work out, but you...." He paused and looked back at my mom. "You're just collatrile damage." He finished. He grab her neck and snapped it. I balled my eyes out and ran to her holding her in my arms. I had lost both of my parents just like that. I dragged my mom to my dad and sat right in between them. The man was still their staring at me. "What are you going to do with me?" I said with hesitation. He kneeled down beside me. "You are the key to help all that I am going to be, but for now we have to wait until you're older. He said. I said, "What do you mean...when I'm older? Why can't you just do it right now." I said. I back up away from him."heh, that's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot." He said. "But for now this spell will keep your powers down low."

He said. He began chanting word and suddenly I could hear the wind gust. I tried to scream but I could feel the air getting weaker and weaker. And that was it. I black out....

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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