The Banshee (Doctor Who Fanfic (11))

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September 16th, 1427, Coast of Ireland

"Gordun, the angel is screaming again!" Damon shouted.

"Gather everyone and git them into the shelter!" was Gordun's reply. The old hag struggled to lift himself from his seat and ring the alarm bells. He knew that someone was going to die in his village and he would try his best to stop it. "Into the shelter! Into the shelter!" he hollered. Everyone burst out of their houses in a hurried panic.

They all bust open the shelter's doors and scurried inside. "In an orderly fashion!" Gordun demanded. No one listened and kept on trampling over each other to get to safety. "Gordun, your mum!" remembered Damon. 

Gordun's face spread wide with terror. He ran up to his mother's bedroom and saw her old wrinkled body as white as snow. She sucked in, then exhaled. Gordun knelt down by the bedside and wept over her. He knew who the banshee would take tonight. "Let's leave, or the banshee will feed on us, too." he said reluctantly. He walked out of the door, his grieving face in pain. 

He didn't know sadness could hurt his heart so much. He sat outside the door. He knew he couldn't even peek inside, or the conseqeunces would be murderous. But his curiosity was pulling him toward the keyhole. Damon ran out into the shelter.

He peeked inside, and saw the pale white nearly phantom-like figure appear in front of the bed, she whispered something in his mother's ear and her weak lips formed a smile. Then the banshee reached into her body and pulled out the woman's soul. It was a ghostly version of his mother. 

He watched his mum's chest rise and fall one last time before she became still. Then the angel of death turned around slowly. Gordun tried taking his face away from the hole, but he needed to see the face of his mother's killer. 

Once he looked, it was too late, his heart sunk and he knew what fate would be soon to come. The banshee slowly floated towards the door, and Gordun sunk down and crawled to the wall. The banshee went straight through the door, and he frantically looked for an escape. He saw the window, and decided that any death was better than a banshee's kill. He pulled the curtains back and realized that the break of dawn was seeping through the window.

The banshee's eyes focused on the man, but when the sunshine hit her face, she put her arms up as a shield and disappeared. Had she died? Thought Gordun. Then he heard a noise coming from the bedroom. It was no noise he had heard coming from the banshee, it somehow sounded quite pleasant. He stumbled to his feet, and limped into the room. There was a blue box, and a man opened the door and came out.

"See Amy? Early Scotland. Isn't it exciting?" he bounced about excitedly. "Sir, this is Ireland." replied Gordun. "Ohh, poo." he said and crossed his arms. The strange man in the strange tie started babbling about. He focused on Gordun's hand which appeared to have a black dot on it. "Oh! Oh! She's in the water everybody! Don't worry she's harmless! Problem solved, let's go." he said and took a biscuit from Gordun's dinner tray. "Uh, Doctor? I think that's just a freckle." the woman said, peering out of the box. The Doctor's face sunk. "That just made everything a whole lot harder.." he mumbled.

-Queue the theme song-

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