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The full moon, when ordinary families turn into soldiers, awaiting the battle that is on its way. Some people don't believe in this superstition, they are the lucky ones. They don't seek them.

You may be wondering who "they" are, they are a group of changed humans, they stand under the full moon and transform into a creature that suits them the best. Some of them are nice like fairy's and dwarfs; however there are some vicious creatures, the unthinkable creatures. Your worst nightmare.

This story - although I am ashamed to tell it - is about a young boy. His name is Johnathon, john for short. He was a nervous boy, but someone you could always talk to. He never spoke much so he was the best person to tell your secrets to, oh... and a great listener. It's a shame really, what happened to him.

It was an abnormal day at school for him, well I guess every day is if he is always hearing lots of peoples story's on arguments and situations on the playground... so I guess it was an abnormally normal day.

He has just finished school and walked out the front gate overviewing the day's events. He went over to the place where my Father normally is and waited. He waited for almost an hour yet he did not arrive. John - although no one knew, was fascinated with the supernatural side to life - decided to walk home. John, being the sensible man he always was, walked on the road his dad normally took so if his dad came he would get a lift back, although going through the alleyways would save him and hour. He wondered down the deserted road that was once filled with life. As he walked pasted all the drive ways he looked into most of the houses, he looked into happy families, angry families, silly families but all of them were similar, they were always together, all the family in one room.

This never happened when he was at home; he normally walked in, scream "hello" upstairs to his most likely drunk farther and carried on with his normal life. He would do the chores make himself dinner and sit on his computer socialising with more people sharing other people's faults and giving him all their secrets.

It was getting dark by the time he reached his home and he realised he only had a few more hours until the full moon. He rushed in, not even stopping to scream "hello" to his father. He loved the full moon and wouldn't let anything get in his way to see it.

Today he was going all the way into the centre of the woods to visit where all the "changeable humans" meet.

John took his note book where he recorded all of his findings. He shoved it in a back pack and ran out the front door, not forgetting his small camera to record some of what he would find. He ran down the road to the local fish and chip shop, using the ten pound note he stole from his dads wallet to buy him a small portion of chips.

He then sprinted into the woods almost tripping over his own feet on occasion. He found the place that it was all going to happen looking around for the perfect position to film it. He found a fallen down log far enough not to get caught but close enough to film. He set up my camera with a tri-pod and rested it on the log, adjusting the stand so it would stand still on its rough surface. Focusing in on the right spot he fiddled with his camera, pressing buttons until he was ready to film. He then sat on the log, with his chips and ate then staring into the darkness and just thinking about what it will be like. Once he had finished his chips he placed the newspaper he got them in into his bag as there were no bins around. After that he just sat there, waiting for that moment he had been dreaming of for so long.

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