Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Applejack's Flight control

Captain Jack- 3 years old- Applejack's nickname for him-CJ

This is going to be interesting for applejack because she has never raised or has lived with a Pegasus.

"In other words she has no idea what she's doing."

Yes in lehmans terms that is what it means.

"I knew I was here for a reason other than to consume your sou- I mean bug y- I mean help you :)"

Okkkkk..... I'm just going to ignore that and start writing the story.

"Okie dokie lokie!"


It was a peaceful morning at Sweet Apple Acres, as it usually was. At least until a rooster decided to crow at five in the morning. Normally Applejack would get up and start bucking apple trees. That routine changed, however, when she received Captain Jack from Celestia. He used to be a handful for her in the mornings when he was little, but he toned down a little once he was past the terrible two's. Normally, the way to deal with earth pony tantrums is to try and calm them down with a toy. However, in the case of Pegasus ponies it involved running around trying to catch the foal who was very fast for his/her age. Applejack, however, knew one valuable skill that most people did not. She could catch a herd of cattle with one lasso. She didn't do what you would expect to the young one however. She just did some tricks for him until he calmed down. Luckily for her, the terrible twos had came and went like a breeze, short and quick. Now Captain woke up on his own and tried his best to help his mom with the farm chores to the best of his abilities. He didn't quite know how to control his wings which was unusual for a foal of his age. As a result, if he got excited and jumped up he was suspended in the air for hours at a time, so he spent most of his time walking (or mainly running) everywhere. Applejack was beginning to get worried that Captain may not be able to fly right or at all if he didn't use his wings. Now let's return to the present time.

"Captain! Can you tell uncle Big Mac that breakfast is ready!" she asked her son.

"Sure thing ma!" replied the red foal.

"Be careful!" she said as she saw him run up the stairs to her brothers room.

"Ah wish that boy would be more careful. Especially in this run down old house." she said to herself.

"UNCLE BIG MAC!! BREAKFAST IS READY!" said Captain as he yelled into his uncles room.


"Owwwww." replied Big Mac.

"Well that worked better than ah expected." said Applejack as she laughed out loud to herself.

"He'll be down soon ma! What are ya makin'? he asked.

"It's a special treat I only make in a great while." she said.

"Then why are ya makin' it? Is it fer someone special?" he asked.

"Ah jus' have a feelin' that somethin's gonna happen today, so for now eat up." she said as she put down a plate of apple pancakes.

"Woooah! These look yummy am!" he said.

As he was about to chow down there was a knock at the door.

"Who in tarnation could that be?" she asked herself.

She opened the door and immediately felt a mixture of happiness and the need to hug the pony in front of her.

"Applebloom I missed you so much!" she said as she tightened her hug on the orange mare.

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