Chapter 1

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She woke up to a pounding head ache,stabbing the back of her eyes,letting out a mumble curse,she threw a hand over her burning eyes as the sound of a machine beeping caught her attention.

Taking a deep breath she slowly opened her eyes and immediately close them back, she wasn't ready for the bright lights ,she closed her eyes and gave it a minute, then slowly opened them again this time she readied herself by shielding her eyes with her hand.

First thing she noticed was the white ceiling ,the fan hanging from the wall and the very pale and sterile walls.
She tried to lift her left hand and that is when she saw the needles in it her eyes followed the trail to the IV bag that was half empty fluid that was flowing down into her body ,this freaked the woman out,she immediately started to pull the tapes that held the needles in place on her arm off at the same time she heard the door open, she stopped what she was doing and raised her head and looked towards the door, where she came face to face with a very shocked, it seem young woman,clothed in all white,the look on the young woman's face was that of someone that saw a ghost or someone they never had intention or believed they would see again, it was then that it dawn upon the woman that she was in the hospital "oh my you are awake" said the nurse ,she opened her mouth to firm a reply but nothing came out her throat felt scratch and dry,"don't try to talk just yet just nod your head for yes or shake it from left to right for no" said the nurse,she quickly shook her head up and down signaling yes she understood, "would you like some water " she again shake her head to signal a yes,the nurse threw out the water from a pitcher the was at her bed side and gently elevate her so she can drink the water,"give it a couple of hours you should be able to speak by then,just let me go get the Dr,he will be thrilled you are awake the nurse said" and left with the same flurry she came in with.

All the while the woman is trying to think why am I in the hospital and how long have I been here?, what is my name?, and to her alarm she did not have the answer to any  of these questions, her brain couldn't come up with the answers,just when she was about to try and get up out of the hospital bed the door opens again and in walks the doctor.

"Good day miss S ,it's nice to finally get to meet you,I'm Dr simon" and he stretched his hand out for her to shake,she slowly raised her hand to take his,she was feeling so weak ,the Dr just smiled because he understood fully how she felt.

"It's OK once you start getting some solid food into your system everything will be back  to normal " all the while he is talking he checking her vitals, "everything seems to me OK miss S",he smiles "how long have I been in here? She asked "well its been two months,can you tell me your name,some one we can contact for you?" She looked at him,ahead didn't know what to say because she has been trying to ask and answer those questions for herself,she shook her head from side to side saying no,"I was afraid this might happen,since you were brought into the hospital unconscious with an open wound you the back of you head,if you put you hand there you can feel, it's more than likely you are suffering from amnesia ,this can last a week,a month ,a year,or years,"all the while the Dr is talking she is just focused on the one thing Dr Simone said "when you were brought into the hospital","who brought me here ,would that be a family member"," I will let miss Daniels intrude herself to you she usually comes her everyday around 4:00pm ,but for now is there a name you would like us to refer to you by,saying patient S seems so disrespectful now that you are awake" "awake I will think about it and let you know",she smiled but on the inside she was a mass of confusion and pity for herself.

I'm just going to wait and see who think miss Daniels is,she said to herself maybe seeing her will trigger my memory, as if the Dr knew what she was thinking he said I did call miss Daniels to let he know you have awoken,since she is the only person that would come to visit you so should be her in a while".

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