Callie & Arizona

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                                                           Chapter One



                                                            Kristy Cato

"I'm sorry I had no idea this was going to happen. Penny, I would never intentionally hurt you, I had no idea my anger for Arizona would mask itself as love for you."

"How could you do this to me? Callie, you packed everything and moved here to New York to be with me only to tell me you are still in love with Arizona?"

"I didn't mean to like I said, I had no idea this was how I was feeling, but if there is a chance I can get my family back together then I have to try. Penny, I have to follow my heart and hope that she will take me, us, our family back"

I felt bad, as Penny sat there crying, but I had to follow my heart. I went over to hug her but she pushed me away. I didn't know what else to do after that so I grabbed my things took Sofia by the hand and out the door, we went. Sofia and I were on a plane back to Seattle that night. On the flight, I spent most of my time praying and thinking about how I gave up on my family. I wish someone had sat me down and told me marriage is no joke. Truth be told, I really have missed her and what we had. I will admit we have been thru a lot over the years. Many break-ups from fighting over having a baby, to a car accident, a plane crash, leading to amputation of Arizona's leg, and infidelity. Wow, what a rollercoaster ride we have been on and it had broken us, but this can't be the end of us as I thought. I guess during our marriage we only hung in there for the better and forgot to stay for the worst. If only I knew then what I know now, I would have fought harder for my marriage. Here's what people won't tell you about marriage, the happy will turn sad at some point and all of the cute little things that you loved about your spouse will become annoying and possibly drive you crazy at some point.

We got in very early that next morning so I checked us into a hotel. We crashed all day then went to dinner that night. Sofia had been with me for the last four months and I knew Arizona would not only be happy to see her but surprised to see her so soon. She wasn't due back here for another two months.

My plan was to get dolled up looking hot the way Arizona always likes me and have her fall in love with me all over again.

Before Sofia and I left out to see her other mommy Arizona, I made a phone call to see if she was at the hospital working or if she was off for the day. The plan was to surprise Arizona and since Sofia wasn't due to come back to her for two more months I knew Arizona would love this, not to mention Sofia has been missing her a lot lately.

When I found out she was on a call we headed to the hospital in search of her.

It felt good coming home, everyone was so excited to see me. As I stood there talking to Meredith, Sofia spotted Arizona, "Mommy, mommy" she took off running to her. I watched as they embraced. My heart was beating fast as I watched them together. After a few minutes of them embracing and talking they came towards me and we hugged. I have to say I didn't want to let go as I held her like I had done so many times before when we were together.

When we let go she said, "You look beautiful as usual"

"Awe, thank you, you don't look so bad yourself"

"So what are you doing here I wasn't expecting you to bring her back for another two months, not that I'm not happy to see my beautiful little girl?"

"That's what I need to talk to you about, do you think we can go to dinner sometime soon?"

"Sure Callie, just let me check my schedule and I will let you know." Just then some woman comes walking right up to Arizona and kissed her right on her lips. My heart dropped and broke all at once. "Hey babe, I want you to meet my daughter Sofia, Sofia this is mommy's friend Miss Eliza." Sofia grabbed my hand and refuse to speak to Mommy's new friend. Arizona made a face and then introduced me, "Babe this is Callie, Sofia's other mother" I gave her my fake smile as I said hello as she didn't seem too happy to see me.

To be continued ....

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