Chp. 1

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Kailey's P.O.V.

"Stop it." I yelled

"No you've been a very bad girl." he said while placing his hand over my mouth. I tried to scream but it wouldn't come out. He slowly started to take my top off as I whispered "help."

That's when I woke up from my nightmare sweating and panting.  I looked at the clock and it said 5:37am well I didn't have to wake up for school for another 30 minutes but there was no way that I was going back to sleep.  I checked my twitter notifications seeing as I had alot.  Most of them were:

"OMG follow me"

"I know you probably won't see this but please follow me."  

There was one that caught my eye: "You should do an #askKailey video it would be fun!" so I decided to follow that girl and I commented back on her tweet and said I will do it when I get back from school. I ended up doing a follow spree and everyone was tweeting about it. I looked at the clock to figure out that it was 6:10 damn it I was supposed to start getting ready at 6 now I'm screwed.  It was supposed to be somewhat cold today so I decided to wear leggings and a sweater.  I put my blonde hair in a ponytail and clipped a bow in my hair.  I ran down stairs while trying to put socks and uggs on. Yes I am a white girl don't judge.  I took a protein bar from the pantry and ran out to my car. 

When I got to school Elizabeth(Elle), Shauna, and Alyssa were all waiting at the front gate.  I ran up to them when I noticed they were talking to my ex, Federico.  We dated for about two months when I broke it off.  He kept starring at other girls and I was pretty sure he liked other girls.  He walked up to me.

"Hey can we get back together?" he asked.

"No." I plainly stated. As I pushed past him then I turned around and walked back up to him. "Let me me make this clear when we broke up I wasn't youtube famous ever since I got youtube famous more people have started talking to me, people that I don't like, they have been trying to use me so never talk to me again." He looked so heartbroken but I don't care he basically cheated on me.  But that story is for another day.

"Hey girls!" I said. But they were all looking at me with their mouths open dumbfounded.

"Hey, what was that about?" Elle asked.

"Well all the 'populars' have been trying to use me so he is one of them so I didn't want to look weak."

"Well damn Kailey you sure didn't look weak." Alyssa said.

"Shouldn't we get to class?" I asked. They all nodded.  We had all of our classes together so we walked to science.  I guess it's time to introduce myself I'm Kailey, I'm a senior in High School, I'm on the Dance Team, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm not that popular at school I only have four or five really close friends (I have a hard time trusting people.), oh and I'm a famous youtuber.  My friends and I are kind of obsessed with One Direction and Magcon.  I've always wanted to get dicovered by Shawn Mendes on Youtube but that will never happen.  I also make special videos with Alyssa, Shauna, and Ellle. 

*I'm gonna skip to lunch*

We went to go sit down when all these freshman came running up to us and asked for our autographs.  It was really wierd I never got this at school.  I looked over to the popular table and 'the most popular girl' ,Maddie, was starring at us I really didn't care though.  She stood up and walked over to the girls that were talking to us and asked them, "Don't you want my autograph?"  For those of you who don't know this Maddie has a youtube account also but I've always had more followers and one of the girls asked, "Who are you?" The look on her face was amazing after the girl said that she stomped away I got up and gave the girl a hug and said,"That was the best thing ever." She just stood there smiling like crazy.  The bell rang and we had to say goodbye to the girls but before I did that I caught the up to the girl that stood up to Maddie and gave her my number and told her that I would follow her on twitter.

*Hey guys the next chapter is gonna be longer! Hope you guys like it so far! Love you all! Casey* 

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