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"The protective instinct of a mother is so powerful!" I exclaimed. Just thinking about Takashi's mother, and how she'd carried him all the way here... I couldn't help but smile until my cheeks hurt. Suddenly, I remembered the mother and her son who'd had an asthma attack during my date with Irie-kun, and how brave she'd been, too, despite the cute little boy not even being able to speak. My heart felt like it was going to burst.

'How amazing the love of a mother for her child is!' I smiled even more at the thought and let my head hang lazily to the side.

"It sure is," Irie-kun agreed. Even he couldn't deny the strong love between mother and child! I sighed in amazement.

Suddenly, I flinched a bit at the sound of someone running down the hall. I whipped to my left to see Nurse Yume rounding the corner.


'Ah, there goes my peaceful moment with Irie-kun... but now is not the time to be discouraged!' Quickly, I jumped to my feet and smoothed my skirt. I could hear Irie-kun stand up behind me.

"I'm sorry." Nurse Yume winced apologetically. "We have another patient..."

I could feel my jaw drop open. 'Another patient! How can this be possible... is all of Tokyo sick?!'

"Taku..." Irie-kun sighed under his breath. "What a crazy night." Speechless, I nodded in agreement with my jaw still unhinged. Irie-kun turned to me, his deep brown eyes staring into mine. "Kotoko, go home," he said gently, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Another nurse is coming."

"Heh?" I squeaked. 'No! This isn't... no! I can keep working! Sure, my back hurts a little, and my feet DO ache, but... but I want to stay with Irie-kun!'

"Yes, Kotoko-san. Miss Yamamura is coming soon." Nurse Yume smiled at me.

I had to convince them, and quickly. "No, I can still work," I waved my hands frantically and dismissed them in the most reassuring voice I could muster. "Irie-kun is still working, so can I..."

As I looked up at Irie-kun, a wave of blood rushed to my head. It felt like I had stood up too quickly after sitting for too long... I felt light... like a balloon. I felt as if I would just float away, into nothingness. My legs went numb with pins and needles and Irie-kun's face swayed from side to side as my knees started to give out. His eyes kept blurring in and out of my vision, mixing with the wall. I wiggled my fingers. I couldn't feel them, either!

'What...?' My heart was pounding against my chest. I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. 'This is weird... I can't stand...' Everything was fading... the colors and lights...were mixing with one another in a haze... and... fading...

I didn't feel my legs buckle. All the fuzz and colors whirled by me and before I knew it, the slap of my body against the hospital floor echoed against the wall. I felt scared... but at the same time, I felt nothing... it was all... fading...

Above me, I could hardly make out Irie-kun's face, with Nurse Yume crouching behind him. His eyes were wide... scared... was I imagining it...? I wanted to cry out, but I couldn't...

"Kotoko!" Irie-kun's voice rang in my ears.

"Kotoko-san?!" Nurse Yume cried out.

"Kotoko!" Irie-kun called again. Even the sound of his voice... was fading...

'Help me, Irie-kun...'

Everything was melting together... the red of both of their lanyards... the white of their uniforms... the brown of Irie-kun's eyes... fading...

"...Irie... kun...?" I breathed out.

Red... white... red... brown...


Itazura Na Kiss: Love in Tokyo 3 - Hello, Baby!Where stories live. Discover now