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" what about daisies, boy? " the florist spoke up, showing a bouquet of beautiful white flowers, which are mostly known as daisies.

" umm i don't know, what kind of flower I'm looking for right now " he confessed, scratching the back of his nape, unsure with his instinct of what flower he should buy.

" daisies represent innocent and purity." she explained in flower language. Every flower has a meaning that represents the flower. "maybe you're giving it to your mother?" the florist questioned to the boy, but was completely ignored as he continues to roam around the shop.

" or would you like some roses? They're very lively, just picked this morning. And also has a grand meaning related to love "

" love? what does roses mean then? " he asked, full if concerned.

a small laugh came " it doesn't have a specific meaning but it represent the love to someone special " she shrugged, with a big smile due to it being related with love.

" i want roses "



lee donghyuck



ifey, imysm ily

2019 eun

© loverenjun

ROSES. donghyuckWhere stories live. Discover now