one - the meeting (animatronics)

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You've been the manager of this place for a while now, and not once have you bothered to question why there are so few applications for security guards.

Then you find the back room, and, more specifically, you find Freddy.

The first time you see him in human form, he's trying to rinse a stubborn stain off his vest with water from a dilapidated water fountain. "Goddamnit, stupid fucking nightwatch-"

The little squeak of fear that escapes your lips is enough to catch his attention.

Blue eyes, unnaturally blue eyes, are the first thing you notice. The next is the nametag- Freddy Fazbear: Lead Singer.

And yep, that's Freddy Fazbear as a human. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes, cinnamon colored skin, and the longest eyelashes you've ever seen on a man. He's wearing a white button-down under a brown vest, a brown tie, brown slacks, and black dress shoes, all of which have suspicious stains.


He sighs, wiping his hands on his pants. "I'm Freddy Fazbear, and I can turn into a human when I please. And you are the manager of this hellhole. I should really kill you."

Your eyes widen, fingers fumbling for your phone, but he just laughs and shakes his head. "You're kind of a cute human. I'll let you go, (Y/N)."

Then he's walking past you and out the door. There's a poof, and when you look back out the door, an animatronic is walking up to the stage.

What the fuck just happened?


Being the tech person for a nasty-ass Chuck-E-Cheese ripoff chain pizzeria fucking sucked. You knew, because you were one.

Every other Tuesday and Thursday, you were paid $200 to repair the four rotting animatronics at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Palace.

It wasn't enough.

The things smelled like the Devil's asscrack and stared at you like they could suck your soul out with those robotic eyes, and you hated it. The suspicious sticky stains that littered their fur didn't help, either.

Well, that all changed the day you showed up to work thirty minutes early.

It was a Sunday, after hours but before night. You sighed as you closed the door, but the air was knocked out of your lungs when you saw what was in front of you.

A purple-haired person was sitting on a dining area table, wiping a stain off a blade that seemed to be protruding from their guitar. Their wavy indigo hair obscured one of their magenta eyes, and they wore ripped jeans, purple high-tops, a fishnet undershirt, and a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Palace tank top. The name badge pinned to their shoulder read 'Bonnie: Guitarist'.

The strangled noise that came out of your throat must have drawn their attention, because they looked up, eyes wide. "Techie. You're early."

"And you're human." You murmured, hand reaching behind you for the door. They jumped up, slinging their guitar behind their back. "Wait, wait, wait!"

You froze. You'd heard about what happened to night guards at this hellhole. Could the same thing happen to you?

"Okay, start over. I'm Bonnie, and I'm a part time animatronic but hey, I'm not gonna kill you, alright? Can't say the same about my friends, but I'm not gonna hurt you. Now, what's your name?"

"(Y-Y/N)." You stammered, a smile slipping onto your face. "And I guess it's nice to meet you, Bonnie."

Morning crew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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