Chapter 1

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P.O.V Marinette
I woke up early and had breakfast I said bye to mom and dad then mam and Papa said bye I ran to school and I saw Alay and Nino and Adrien Alay ran up a huge me and we ran back up to Nino and Adrien Nino said hi and Adrien said hi Marinette then we walked to class Alay and Nino and Adrien were in there first so when I went in there and was going to my seat when Choe tripped me and I fill and Adrien said Choe that wasn't nice Choe Said I don't care I Said I am okay

Hi it is Mhykael Espinosa sorry this chapter is so short I my is going to die is chapter has 129 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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