8 || Our Golden Hero

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Y/n observed the young girl's actions who appeared to be Hispanic with a bright spirit. She told the boys and Y/N to follow her through the madness before things could get any worse than it already is. "Cha-Cha" is what Y/N called her since this unknown girl is a firecracker and possibly could dance through chaos as bad as this. It was just a temporary nickname until Y/n learned who she was. Y/n followed this strange and lonely girl, unsure how to feel about it since hardly anyone during these days can be trusted. She could be with the TRF!

"Follow me, guys!" She cried, leading the pack through a useless building with shattered windows and rubble. The patrol bot shot through the glass as soon as the kids were spotted. Shards of the material fell on the kids, causing them to panic. Gladly, the burst of broken glass didn't injure anyone who was trying to escape. "Get up!"

"Who are you?!" Y/N caught up to the "alpha".

"Nunya business!"Cha-Cha answered back. "Don't ever look back!"

Cha-Cha didn't give Y/n any kind of straight answer. She felt that this troubled girl would cause even more of a hassle if she didn't spill anything about what was going on. Cha-Cha brought the group of boys and Y/n underneath rocks, dirt, and wire which worked out as a great shelter. Cha-Cha must live here with bottles of water and vending machine food.

"Damn! I almost had a heart attack!" Tyrese said, holding a hand on his chest.

"Shut up." Y/n said, peeking through the cover to see if the patrol droid was scanning the area. For artificial intelligence, this thing is determined to find the trespassers.

"Relax. We're covered." Cha-Cha said confidently. From Y/n studying Cha-Cha for only a few minutes since meeting her, she could tell this girl sporting a pair of perfect braids was carrying some baggage or just a rough past.

Then, there was a sudden mechanical whirring coming from an object that got closer to the cover the kids hid in. It was a little blue bot that accompanied Cha-Cha. The black-haired girl said exclaimed with excitement after seeing the little robot. "Sqweeks!" She set her hands on its body. "What happened to your arm?" Witnessing it all together, the kids got to hear the blue robot named Sqweeks explain what happened, but no one under this cover understood a thing he was saying. "Shot you? Damn it. He can't transform." Cha-Cha said to the kids and Y/n. "I'm trying to fix him, but you're being a baby about it, Sqweeks." She pierced her eyes on him.

For some reason, Y/n thought this was probably Cha-Cha's fault. Maybe or maybe not. "Uh, how is he being a baby about it?" Y/n blurted to Cha-Cha. "Didn't you send him out there to create a diversion before you brought us here? He's hurt because of you. I'm just being honest."

Cha-Cha chuckled rudely at Y/n all because she felt offended/ "You think you're smart, huh? I've been around robots much longer than you."

"So?" Y/n scoffed at her. "Just because I give you some input it doesn't mean I'm an expert. Have you ever met a yellow car that transforms and brings you home late at night?"

"No." The other girl replied solidly.

"Okay, then." Y/n forced a fake grin. "Let's go on about our day, alright?"

Cha-Cha rolled her eyes and turned her attention back at Sqweeks.

"Wow. You have a big heart...What's your workout routine?" Damien asked Cha-Cha. Before the robot girl could answer the boy, she glared at him as the "cover" began to ascend from the ground. Every single boy screamed and yelled in reaction to this sudden movement, but Y/n remained quiet and was struck in amazement.

Y/N didn't show fear to this humanoid giant emerging from the concrete, but she thought it was amazing to see he was camouflaged. It's pretty smart. This robot was yellow like Bumblebee, only it wasn't Bee.

🄷🄸🅂 🄿🅄🅁🄴 🄶🄾🄻🄳 (Tʀᴀɴsғᴏʀᴍᴇʀs: Tʜᴇ Lᴀsᴛ Kɴɪɢʜᴛ) ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now