Chapter 1

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Percy and Annabeth were both cuddling with each other on the beach. They had just defeated Gaea and were back at Camp Half- Blood. 

As the couple was enjoying their time with each other, Leo came running up to them.

"Hey guys," he said. "Me and the others were gonna play truth or dare in the Zeus cabin. Wanna join?"

"Sure, why not?" Annabeth responded. The three demigods walked across camp to the Zeus cabin where Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Thalia, Nico, and Rachel were.

"Okay guys, so here are the rules. If you refuse to do a dare, you have to remove one piece of clothing. If you refuse to say truth, then you have to do a dare. Now, everyone has to swear on the Styx that they will do the dare they are given or be honest when given a truth," Leo said.

Everyone swore on the terms.

"Okay, so who wants to go first?" Leo asked. 

"I guess I will," Piper said. Piper's eyed wandered around until they landed on Jason. "Jason, truth or dare?" 

"Uh...truth?" he said. 

"If me and Thalia were both in trouble and you could only save one person, who would you pick?"

Jason made a face as if he were deep on thought. Then, he finally said, "I would rather die trying to save you both."

"Awww, how sweet," Hazel said.

"Okay, its my turn," Jason said. "Leo, truth or dare?" 

"Dare! I ain't afraid of you!" Leo yelled in Jason's face. 

Jason smiled mischievously. "I dare you to wear make up fpr the rest of the game."

"What the Hades is wrong with you Jason! I thought you were my friend!" Leo said.

"Just do it Leo," Jason said, his smile still on his face. Leo rolled hie eyes and left the room. When he came back, he had lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, and thick eyeliner. Everyone laughed. Thalia brought out a camera and took a picture of him.

"This is so going on the internet," she said.

"I'll get you back for this Grace." Leo said as he sat back down. "Rachel, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Rachel said. 

"I dare you to put on all your clothes backwards," Leo said with a smile.

"Fine," Rachel went up to go to the bathroom. When she came back, she had her shirt, pants, and shoes worn backward. Some people chuckled. Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Thalia, truth or dare?" Rachel asked. 

"Truth," Thalia said.

"What's your worst fear?" Rachel asked. 

Thalia hesitated for a moment. Then she finally said, "Heights."

"You're afraid of heights? Aren't you like, the daughter of Zeus?" Leo said. 

"Shut up, Valdez. Percy, truth or dare?" Thalia asked.

"Uh...truth?" Percy responded. 

"Have you ever kissed anyone other than Annabeth before you two got together? If you have who was it?" Thalia asked.

Percy stayed silent. Annabeth glared at him.

"Percy," Annabeth said. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Maybe..."Percy said.

"Just spit it out already and get it over with Percy," Frank said. 

"Fine, before me and Annabeth got together, Rachel kissed me once," Percy said quickly. Both he and Rachel were blushing like crazy.

"What!?" Annabeth screamed. "When did that happen!?"

"It was before me and Beckendorf had to go and blow up Kronos' ship," Percy said.

"You've kissed Rachel, I'll keep that in mind," Leo said.

"But why would you-" Annabeth said before Thalia interrupted her.

"Hey we'll deal with your problems later. Let's just get back to the game."

"Fine," Annabeth sighed as she sat back down.

"Okay, my turn," Percy said, thankful to get off the subject. "Nico, truth or dare?"


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