Your Shallow Grave

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You quickly throw on some ripped jeans and a black tanktop, you put on your favorite pair of black combat boots and to top off you outfit you put on your (f/c) flannel. You checked the clock, it just turned midnight, you new your parents were asleep by now so shoved your phone in your pocket and slowly opened the window.
The cool Autumn air hit your face as a freeze blew around your (h/c) hair.
You slowly crept through the window and began your journey through the woods, you knew there was an old abandoned playground deep into the forest and that's where you were headed.
You could see your breath in the moonlit night, you walked deeper into the woods, leaves and sticks crunched beneath your feet every time you took a step.
You walked until you spotted a small clearing and what seemed to be a structure in the middle of it.
You smiled to yourself and whispered "Finally" you walked over and sat on the old swing set and began to move yourself back and forth gaining height and speed it was bliss, the foggy air tickled your face and you smiled at how free you felt in such a long time.
But it was all interrupted by the loud crunching of leaves, you halted the swing by dragging your feet against the ground to act as brakes, causing you to abruptly come to a stop, you looked around terrified
"H-hello?" You stammered your voice shaky.
You whipped your head in the direction of where you heard the raspy voice come from.
"Well well we'll look what I found, you should've come here kiddo, but now I can't let you go back."
Fear erupted in you when he said these words.
You were pulled from your thoughts by a loud clicking sound, you knew what it was.
A gun, he was going to kill you, your heart pounded in your chest you screamed in your head for you to run but you were stuck from the pure terror.
You forced your legs to move and you began to sprint in a random direction, tripping over roots and sticks, branches hitting your body scratching you, you could here him running close behind you, you knew he would soon catch you but you continued to run.
Your lungs felt like they had been stabbed from you running.
You heard a loud bang and heard something hit the tree right by your head, you screamed in shock and covered you head with your hands, tears stung your eyes and fell down your (s/c) face.
You forgot to look where you were going and your foot got caught underneath a low branch and you went flying forward, you hit your head on a large rock that surfaced in the ground.
You cried out in pain and held your head, you knew it was game over you were going to die here and now.
The man stopped running and looked at you and aimed the gun at your head
"You idiot you should've come here but now I have to kill you so it's in my favor ."
You screamed and pleaded
The man scoffed and muttered something under his breath and pulled the trigger.
The shot rang out in the forest echoing.
You lied motionless with a hole right through your head. You slowly were pulled into darkness, you felt peaceful and calm but it all felt wrong you wanted to wake up. Something inside you started screaming
Your eyes jerked open and you scrambled to your feet and whipped your head around you could hear walking in the distance.
Your shirt was shredded and only hanging together by little a couple strings, you felt your face.
No bullet hole?
You were shocked but so happy to be alive. You started walking but then you remember the man, he killed you you were furious you began running in the direction of where you heard the noise.
Your feet didn't make a sound as you ran over dried leaves. You saw him in the moonlight, an older man with a beard he looked ugly. When you saw his face look in your direction your blood boiled and you lunged at him, tackling him to the ground him.
These words made you turn into a vicious killer. Your right eye turned into a deep red and caught fire but it did not burn you.
You grabbed his throat ate began to tear chunks of it out.
He screamed in agony.
Something inside you told you.
"Eat him devour his flesh, rip it to shreds with your teeth and eat it."
You did this you began to devour his flesh, it tasted delicious, you felt like you haven't eaten in weeks, you shoved pieces of flesh into your mouth, blood. coated your face and dripped down your chin onto your torn jeans.
You left only bones and organs you ate him. Once you calmed down and your eye went back to normal you realized what you had done you ran away, something in your back started throbbing it hurt.
"Good job now you can be the real you now, a monster has been awoken and so a monster you must become."
You fell to the ground and began to scream, it felt like the muscles in your back were being ripped, your bones started to break under your skin, rearranging themselves causing you to violently jerk around, you screamed so loudly the trees around started to shake. You could feel your back tear open and something large rip out of you. You screamed and cried you just wanted it to stop, the pain was agonizing.
And as soon as it started it stopped. Your back still hurt and you felt awful but you got up anyways, it was dawn now so you could see, after walking for about ten minutes you found a small pond, you knelt down and looked down at your reflection, your once (h/c) was now jet black and your once (e/c) eyes were a bright yellow/orange. But what shocked you the most was what was now on your back.
You had gigantic jet black wings, they were completely covered in shiny dark feathers they dragged on the ground slightly when you walked, you folded your wings out to see how big they were, they were huge but you liked them, they were beautiful.
You heard a crunching sound and whipped your head around to see three people staring at you, one of them wore a white mask with a black mouth, eyes and nose painted on it, the second one wore a orange hood and a black cloth mask that had a red frowny face on it, them the third wore orange goggles and a weird face mask that covered his mouth.
You still were covered in blood, when you felt static erupt in your head it hurt and you soon blacked out.

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