Wumley <3

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It was a normal day at the sanitarium. Dr Chumley was doing his regular routine around reading papers and checking on his patients.

"Good afternoon, Dr Chumley.", said his one of his employes, Wilson. Wilson looked a little down today thought Dr Chumley.

"Good afternoon, Wilson. Are you doing alright today?", said Dr Chumley

"Myrtle May rejected me again. She is missing out on this handsome devil."

I wish you would try going after me, thought Dr Chumley. "Well there plenty of broads in the sea, Wilson. Just be patient."

"Well of course any lady would go after you, Dr Chumley."

Dr Chumley went to his office and sat down in his chair thinking of what just happened. Wishing to spend every moment with Wilson. Longing for when they can talk again. Dr Chumley's long, hard, raw member shot up wanting to be touched by Wilson. Dr Chumley can't satisfy himself at work it's impractical. But maybe a little massage wouldn't hurt. He unzipped his pants and gracefully slipped his hand onto his hard member. He started to move gently up and down. Faster every stroke.

"Dr Chumley Mrs. Jac..."Dr Sanderson opened the door, "Ahhhhh I'm so sorry. I'll knock next time. I'm-"

"For god sakes leave!", yelled Dr Chumley.

Dr Sanderson slammed the door and ran outside for some air.

Dr Chumley tried to zip up his pants but the phone started to ring. He picked it up.

"Honey, I just wanted to remind about that dinner with the Lest's tonight at 8. Come home early. Love you!" That was his wife Betty. "She doesn't deserve a guy like me and my sinful thoughts," sigh Dr Chumley.

Dr Chumley went out to the lobby to find Dr Sanderson. He's nowhere to be found. He looked at his watch, it's 6:39.He noticed he's member is still up. He tried to cover it but it looked too improfessional. He decided to go look upstairs. No luck. He decided to go and ask where he is.

"Hello doc. You looking for someone or something.

Your love for me he thought.

"Um-uh. Dr Sanderson. Have you seen him?"

"Yeah he ran outside for some reason, pansy."

"The shipment of strait jackets are here. They need your signature."

"Oh yes..." He clears his throat, " Where?"

"Right here." Wilson

Dr Chumley signed.

"Should I try them on to make sure they are strong and don't tear or rip?" Wilson asked.

Oh my go.."Yes that would be great. Thank you for suggesting that."

Dr Chumley helped Wilson into the jacket. His cock raging for Wilson.

"Looks good to me. Can you try to get out of it?"

Wilson struggles to get out." Nope it's pretty solid." He chuckles. "Now get me out of this."

Dr Chumley tries to unbuckles the jacket. For some reason it won't un buckle.

"What's wrong doc? Are you gonna get me out of this?"

"It-um. It appears to be...stuck."

"Stuck? Stuck! Get me out of this! Can we pull it off or cut it?"

"Its a really strong fabric we can't cut it. Here. Um let's pull it off."

"Hey be careful!"

Dr Chumley gets it off along with Wilson's shirt. He pulled so hard that he fell on to Wilson. They kissed.

Wilson stiffened, his big blue eyes widening. Then his lips parted and his eyes closed. He could feel Wilson's soft breath against his cheek. Wilson grunted softly, Chumley pulled him closed and kissed him harder. Wilson's hands skimmed quickly and expertly over the buttons of Chumley's shirt. Soon their clothes were scattered across the floor. Wilson pulled away just enough to look up at Chumley. His dark honey brown hair was in tangles, curls falling over his forhead. Chumley went leaned forward to kiss him again, but paused when he saw Wilsons eyes. Big and blue and sad. A small frown danced over his face.
"What is the matter Wilson?" Chumley asked.
"You have a wife." Wilson responded gently and turned away.
Chumley watched him as he picked his clothes of the floor. Pulling his pants on and his shirt over head, tangling his hair up even more. Wilson brushed his hair back and went to the door.
"Wilson." Chumley said. Wilson turned his head, tilting to the side in question.
"I'm sorry."
Wilson nodded, "I'll get straight back to work sir."
Chumley sighed as the door clicked shut. He took his time putting his clothes back on, not knowing how he would ever be able to face Wilson, or his wife for that matter, again.

Chumley remembered dinner. He checked his watch. "Shit it's 7:30." He ran out the door while pulling on his shoes. He can't do this Betty not after today.

Chumley snatched his coat up from the floor and ran to his car. He shoved his hands in his pockets in search of his keys.
Chumley marched back up the drive and into his office. He stopped mid-step, shocked to find Wilson sitting at his desk tossing his car keys from hand to hand.
"I..." Chumley started, but was stopped by Wilson, who was suddenly across the room and pressing his lips against Chumley's.
Chumley leaned against him pressing his lips harder against Wilson's. Wilson leaned up and pulled Chumley closer to him. Chumley kicked the door closed behind him and walked Wilson backwards, pushing him against the desk. Wilson grunted softly his lips parting against Chumley's. Chumley reached for Wilson's shirt, tugging at its buttons. Wilson reached Chumley's own shirt, undoing the buttons for the second time that day. Wilson tugged Chumley towards the sofa pushed up against one wall. Clothes dropped to the floor until Chumley lay across the couch, Wilson laying over him perched slightly up on his elbows, nothing in between them now, but skin. Hot sweaty skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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