What's My Future

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So have you ever thought about what you wanted to be when you grow up? You might already be grown up, but that's not important right now. So step into my shoes and assume that you're a nerdy, book-lovin' seventh grader.
Well, I was standing in the front of the classroom with the rest of the students. We were answering simple questions about ourselves. Like 'what's your favorite color', and 'what's your favorite food'. Then they asked us the dreaded question, 'what do you want to be when you grow up'. I'm not focused on my future. I still miss not having a recess after lunch. I'm a kid, but apparently the rest of my classmates seems to have that part of their life all figured out. They all said it with such confidence you would expect that they were born knowing what their plan was.
Patients and two people wanted to be a nurse. Witt wanted to be a basketball coach. There was an astronaut, two car technician, a fashion designer, a chef, a teacher, and a professional athlete. Jim, the guy right next to me and my best friend, wanted to be a writer and a vlogger. When it came time for me to tell the class what I wanted to be I could only draw a blank.
"I don't know." This has been my go to answer ever since kindergarten. I didn't like the idea of growing up. I just wanted to be a kid my whole life.
Mr. Brown was very kind hearted, but it seemed like my answer wasn't what he was looking for. "You sure you don't know? How about you think for a minute, and I'll come back to you. Is that okay?"
'No!' is what I wanted to say. Instead, I nodded 'yes' calmly in response, but in my head I wasn't taken it to well. 'I'm just supposed to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life in the next minute?' I threw a chair, and knock over a desk. Not really, but I wanted to.
'Wait, will my future career be set in stone for the rest of my life because of what I answer now in this class? That's too much pressure. What am I supposed to pick?'
My mind decides to put on my smarty pants and nerd glasses. It's time to get down to business, and fast. I pull out a folder from nowhere in particular that is labeled Talents and Skills. It was stuffed full of blank pages. 'I'm not really good at anything it looks like.' Yep that sounds about right.
Then an idea hits me. 'Oh, I like reading. Can I become a professional reader? Is that an actual career? I don't think that's a thing. Is that what a librarian does? Are librarians professional readers? Do they have competitive events in reading? How would the crowd cheer them on? People aren't supposed to shout in the library.' I start getting off topic fast.
Mr. Brown finished writing down the last career. Leisa apparently wants to be a nascar racer. He turns back to me, "Have you thought of anything, Josey?"
"Uh, I think maybe a Librarian. Do you get to read a lot as a librarian?" My question got a snicker from Ben, who said he wanted to be a marine biologist. It wasn't that funny, but whatever tickles your goose. Is that the right saying? I think that's wrong, but maybe not. I don't know. Ben is just... Ben. Don't trust a Ben.
Mr. Brown gives me a warm smile, "I believe you can if you want. It's all up to you, really." He turns his attention to the class in general.
"So now that we're done let me tell you why I had you guys introduction yourself again so late in the semester. They are starting a new program at our school next year that will give young people, like you guys, a chance to experience what you might want to do as a career. This is a great opportunity for all students here and I hope you all take it seriously."
"Now some of you choose some careers that are more difficult to match you up in..." he looks over at the kid that said astronaut.
"...and some of you choose careers that are more, uh, manageable." He looks to a kid that said teacher.
"I asked you guys on the spot so that you couldn't group up with your friends, and also before you had a chance to think of something that you don't actually plan to go into, but you think might be really cool. This is meant to be an experience for what your life would be like in the future if you choose this career."
"This isn't going to be a field trip for you guys. You are expected to write a one page report every week for the twelve weeks this program last, and then a 5 page essay over everything you've learned." The class voices its complaints quite clearly.
Witt speaks up. "What if we wind up not liking the career we picked. I don't want to be teaching basketball my whole life. It's just something that I would like to do for a little while."
Mr. Brown smiles brightly again. "Well this isn't set in stone yet. I will be turning in the sheet next week. If you want to make a case to me about doing something different in the new program, you can..." he pauses for a minute to let that thought sink in.
His smile fades away as he looks around the class, "...but that doesn't mean that I am guaranteeing you that I will change it. It is just an option for some of you who kind of felt put on the spot."
He makes eye contact with me and smiles, "Not that you need it. Most of you have made choices that fit you very well."
At that, the bell rings. We are all released from class and head home. Next year will definitely be different and possibly a little interesting. Wait a second... why did I choose to be a librarian. I'll going to die of boredom before the end of the program.

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