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A/N : so hey guys this is my first book on wattpad and I hope you enjoy, I would like it if you'd vote and comment and give me some feedback. thank you hope you enjoy!!!

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Trembling I stared at nothing my blue eyes holding no emotion all that remained was gone they dulled with fear, what's going on? Where am I, how the hell did I even get here. My skin felt icy to my own touch.

My eyes wondered the dark room, everything was black I couldn't make out anything. My breaths where shaky and unsteady, rapidly exhaling while inhaling, As I tried to get my breaths under control.

My trembling died down I didn't know how long I've been here I can't remember anything? Whys this happening. My life just really sucks doesn't it, can anything get any worse? it probably can but I don't care, I've really had enough.

I pull my knees to my chest sitting in a crouch the concrete floor is all I feel, making my body go numb from the coldness.

I've had worse I guess, this is my escape I'd go anywhere from that hell of a place, I can be free but at what cost? Who would want me? What would they do kill me?—I'm nothing special and certainly not useful.

I start squinting my eyes at the sudden attack of light, my eyes stung badly, I've cried to much my eyes where all puffy with streams of tears marked down my face. My hair stood in front of my eyes; it was dark brown going to my hips full length.

Is this my last day or night to live? I somehow feel relived at the thought, I guess there somewhat truth in those words I'm in a hostage situation there's no other reason for me to live. Looking around the room I noticed it's huge very spacey, I sat in a corner all curled up to myself. My hands were tied together using a rope; wrapped very tightly, my hands were numb due to the tightness.

There really wasn't any use trying to break out either the door had no handle on the inside, while the windows where boarded up very well. My ideas of escape where as good as none, my will to fight whoever this is as good as zero, I don't have any energy left to Think about who ever or what ever they want.

I feel very tired, my eyes grew heavy I felt my self falling a sleep, no I need to keep them open my chance of survival may be very less, but I might still be able to get out of here and find a new life somewhere far away from this place maybe Boston or something. Staring at the door I start to count in my head slowly, getting bored I can't take it, I'm shivering furiously my fingers turning pale.

I shut my eyes rethinking my current situation is this even real? Am I in a very bad dream or something. I feel like I'm being watched i tense at my sudden thought, this makes me feel sick what is it's some creep that wants to use me for...NO! I can't think that I'll definitely not accept that no way.

Click clack click clack.

That horrid noice fills my ears cutting the silence of the large room, those are footsteps and they are closing in on me. This isn't real no this is a dream "it's a dream" I silently say my breath taken from this uneasy tension filling me, over board.

The noise stopped right in front on me I still wrenched my eyes shut, terrified to even slightly take one glimpse of the body in front of me. He's a guy? Obviously I scold myself how could I be so stupid, yet his aura seems intimidating.

"Oh, but it's not a dream sweetness" a soft yet hoarse voice fills my ears, he sounds like a teen, not a old man that gave me a little relief but still gave me shivers. He's young he could do anything he wanted with me, but what does he want? With Me.

He seemed too familiar, I swear I may know this person? Could it be, I gasped at my thought that just evaded my mind. My body began to shiver it couldn't, he would never do this to me or would he, I wanted to touch him.

I needed to know.

My eyes slowly opened staring into deep black eyes with a bandana and a hood covering his face. Those eyes chilled me to the core, they are beautiful, is it him? Or not and will he ever let me go? These questions rang in my ears like bells making me wince I think I'm forming a migraine.

I chocked on my words trying to ask him questions. "Um..where am I? Tell me what do you want!? If it's money I don't have it, and I certainly have no appeal appearance wise so why am I here?! Who are you?" I bombarded him with all these questions I don't think he's going to tell me where we are, that's for sure I'm just some hostage I probably have about a day or two until he disposed of me.

"Your fucking annoying, shut up. You talk too much" he swore I gasped at him with fear but held my gaze strong I can't let him see my fear of this situation, of him I'll get out of I only just started living for the first time in like a long time.

"Well I'm sorry but I don't really give a fuck, you kidnapped me so I have a right to say what's on my mind. You can kill me do whatever you want, but know this I will not show you any fear. Whatsoever" I huffed staring him in his eyes intensely, I will not give him the pleasure of seeing me break that easy I'm finally free from that person this is my chance at a life, I'd gladly take any risks.

No it's not him. "Who are you?" I ask astonished.

He raised an eyebrow, pulling his lips into a smirk "hmn? I am not him, and I know who your speaking of" he said roughly, spitting them out like those very words were poisonous venom.

He knows him, that means he knows about my relationship with him.

I have to find a way out of here. He laughed at my so called threat, then turned back to my with deadly eyes, staring me though my soul. He pulled out a pocket knife, it was very large though, eyes focused on the blade with amusement, I gulped shock replaced my gaze.

This is really getting out of hand he's really a psychopath, those deadly eyes say it all I guess that I might never get out of here. What now? I don't have any other choice but to stay.

"You really should rethink what you say here.." he trailed off caressing the blade with his finger lightly. "I'm the captor and your MY victim, so really I'm the dominant one here I will not take orders from you. Or anyone else in that matter, but since you have a such big mouth how about I give you something to scream and cry about" he raised the blade to my neck lightly trailing imaginary lines back and fourth. I started to shiver at the touch of the cold metal making contact with my skin hungrily, he was taking much pleasure seeing my terrified face, I almost let out a whimper as he cut down on my arm.

"I know he'll come for you, until then I'll continue to blackmail him" he stated still cutting down on my arm.

He's face very amused with hurting me, my eyes shut with much force my head rose with pain. I bit my lip with such a force as blood fell from my arm, his face went back to being serious my lip trembling as he walked to the door.

"Don't worry I won't kill you. Not yet anyway, have fun" he says flatly with a side smirk closing he door, turning the lights off so here I am back in the dark, Trembling like a child.

What's going to happen to me now? I don't know, god help me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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