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This may be historically inaccurate (by means of language, clothing, culture, etc) because I can't be bothered to do research. Oh, well. Hope you like it!

The second you stepped into the diner, the whispers and the pointing began.

With a sigh, you sat down on one of the stools facing the kitchen. The owner, Pedro, greeted you with an inquiring smile.

"My usual, Pedro, make that two, the other for Tommy. Thanks."

"No problem, hija,"

In your brief five months in this area of Texas, Pedro was your only friend besides your fiance and his family. He treated you like a second daughter and often would have you taste a new recipe he's trying.

"So how did you do it?" a sickeningly sweet voice asked next to you.

You turned to your right to see a blonde girl looking at you, waiting for an answer. You immediately figured out that she worked at the brothels on the unsafe side of town. "Excuse me?"

"How did you do it?" she repeated. "How did you beguile the town Ranger?"

You weren't sure how to answer that. Ava, Tommy's sister, told you before that ever since he turned fourteen, girls were scrambling to charm him. Obviously, none of them caught his eye.

And now that he's brought home a girl from another area, you're the talk of the town. Almost everyone knew you.


"Ranger!" Pedro greeted a little too loudly as he placed your order in front of you. You felt the wind on your back when the door behind you opened. "How do?"

"Not bad, Pedro." you felt warm lips on your temple. "Is this for me, darling?"

"Mhmm." you sipped your coffee silently. "What brings you here anyway, my love?" you asked. Thomas was always busy with work, he usually left before you woke and often you'd stay up late to wait up for him.

"I had business to discuss with Pedro," he smirked when you pouted. "Oh, and to see my beautiful girl, too," he pressed his lips to your cheek before gesturing to Pedro to come close.

"What is it, hijo?"

"I'm marrying Y/N soon, Pedro, and it will be a small wedding -- family and close friends only, but I would like you to come. You've been such a good friend to Y/N."

"I am honored, Ranger. Of course I will come."

"And if it isn't too much trouble," Thomas rubbed your arm when he saw that you became conscious of everyone staring at you. "I'd like you to prepare the meals for the guests. I will pay."

"No need to pay, Ranger," Pedro shook his head when Thomas was about to object. "Consider it a thank you for serving our town and bringing me such a lovely friend."

"Thank you, Pedro. We appreciate it." at his nod, he turned to you. "I must go now, love. Come straight home after you visit the library, all right? Jasper might be in the area and if he offers to escort you home, please accept."

"I will." You nodded.

"Ranger," Pedro stopped him from stepping out. He whispered something in his ear.

Thomas' eyes darkened when Pedro stepped away slightly. "Thank you for telling me, Pedro." He looked at you. "Take care, darling. I'll see you tonight." He opened the door harshly and stomped away.

"What did you tell him, Pedro?" you sighed, fully aware of the brothel girl staring at you shamelessly still. "He can get quite loud when he's mad. I don't want that to get in the way of his work." He may be the Major of his team and he wouldn't get into trouble for lashing out, but Thomas often regrets it after and it takes away his sleep a night.

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