The P.A.F.F

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Hey guys! So I wrote this book because I was inspired by X men (marvel). If you hadn't been reading marvel comics or watching the movies (I am so excited because days of future past came out!!😱😍), please I recommend you to do it soon!

Please do not mind my grammar errors because I might not take note of them 😅😅

I changed the some of the characters' name and their powers because its a fan fiction! :D

Chapter 1

Magda's POV

"Hey Char, wanna go out for a cup of coffee? Or something?" I was desperate for a cold drink on a sweltering hot day. I felt perspiration trickled down and I wanted to have some company. I pleaded my best friend Charleen to join me. We are no ordinary best friends, or citizens of New York, but rather, we are the secret agents of P.A.F.F. Well though we're only like 16 (not qualified to be a real 'agent'), but we're mutants. Of course we're on the good side. You see, there's always the good side and the bad side, we have to defeat them. The E.R.T.W (i heard it stands for evil rules the world, i'm not too sure about that though, sounds so cheesy yeah?). P.A.F.F consists of 8 mutants, and we're special. Because we were here to protect the world from the darkness. Charleen is a unique mutant who can change her body shape and she had the ability to walk through anything, even the walls. Ice man, as you can tell from his name, has an ability to freeze anything around him and can also turn his body into ice. Xuan, also well known as Storm, could control the weather. Kass (she prefers people to call her Kass, her real name is Kasper is well known for her telepathy powers and the creation of portals which could bring you to another specific location). Summer, also known as Jean Grey possess the power of the phoenix, when she transforms into one, she can basically live in any atmosphere, she can create 'cosmic flames' but she can be dangerous at times. Kurt, a special guy who could blend into shadows, is very skilled and he could teleport himself. Sunspot, I guess you could make out what his abilities are. He could create fire, I supposed I could blame him for this hot weather? No just kidding. When he transforms, it's no fun and you wouldn't want to touch him because he's too hot and it makes me melt. No just kidding again, I kind of love him though. And what about me, who am I? I am no other than Magda, the Scarlet Witch. Well perhaps I might be the strongest among the other mutants. Because I possess almost all the powers they have. I can manipulate chaos magic, thanks to that demon Chthon. I am not perfect though, at least I am brave enough to say that my mental stability is screwed up, I can't even remember some things that occurred in the past. Anyway, I was already panting, I needed a drink like seriously! "Please... You don't want me to die right?" I begged Charleen. "Please don't exaggerate already, you're making me laugh!" I winked at her. Both of us cracked up a laugh as we headed for Starbucks.

"See you tomorrow!" Charleen embraced me. At least her powers weren't acting up, for she will pass through my body in the public. That would be half hilarious yet half frightening. I gave her back a bear hug. "See yah!" I waved a goodbye before trudging back home. I felt so exhausted I thought of my comfy bed awaiting me, waiting for me to snuggle up. I heaved a sigh of relief at that thought.

Can't wait to see me right?

I snapped out of my thoughts. Was that a voice? Or a thought? I mean.. I don't even think there's anyone behind me. I spun around. No one.

"Who's there?" No answer. No one. Perhaps I was too engrossed in thinking about my bed till I was seeing stars and dreaming about some weird things. Typical me. Tomorrow it will be a hectic day for P.A.F.F. Something bad has occurred and we were summoned by professor X. I guess it's E.R.T.W. ? So typical.

Chapter 2

Magda's POV

"Everyone, please settle down." Professor X beckoned us to sit. This is something important, everyone please be on your listening ear. "Thank you. So now, I am sure all of you would have known about E.R.T.W. We have a big problem here..." "Nothing's impossible!" Ice man slammed the table. "Icy..." Summer whispered. "Oh whoops, I.. am sorry..!" He stammered. "Thank you for that spirit, Ice man, I appreciate it but not for now.. As I had said, E.R.T.W had planned an army of stronger soldiers and they are planning a defense on us. And it's gonna be a huge one." "So you called us here because of that? We all know that they are gonna attack us, furthermore i think we're more prepared and armed than them..." Kurt said. I agreed, seriously... we already knew... A voice interrupted my thoughts. "Don't rest on your laurels, this is to everyone. You can't assume you're gonna win this battle. Meeting over." What?!? He called us here just to say these stuff? Such a waste of my time. "Magda, i want to speak a few words with you." I halted to a stop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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