limits of your characters(yes I'm setting limits):
not a genius(can be a little over average but not by much)
not under aged for drinking and that sort of stuff(made this rule for you jay)
can't work for moriarty or mycroft
Possible jobs you can take(yes you have to be employed):
beggar(yes I count this as a job)
highway man(or woman)
flyway man (or woman)
suggested age range:
18(because that is legal in Brittan, I think.) through 33 (if I'm wrong on the age for being legal please let me know, I am only a north Dakotan)
About the characters(the links are temporary): all characters are basically themselves but they are more proper (except Sherlock)
Sherlock- (sorry long link, this is how I would imagine him dressing) he still smokes (I find it sexy so deal with it) basically the same
john- (yes he would have a robotic arm, he is a war doctor, and I like to have fun with injury backstories) still john with the soft attitude and kindness.
Moriarty- (I failed you bird, couldn't find a good picture for this one) it's moriarty, what the fuck do you expect me to write? (I will find a good picture I promise)
Mycroft- (I have no shame, Mycroft personally always pissed me off)
Lestrade- his normal attire would work for the most part
You(for males, at least in attire, you can pick other outfit designs)-
you (for females, same as for the males, clothing can be changed to fit your personality)-
Ideas For role plays
FantasyThis has extensive research that I put a lot of time and effort into, you may use these for your own roleplays with friends or make a story based on them. The idea is that I do the research so you don't have to.