Lots of Blessings

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The first thing that happened to me on Thanksgiving morning was asurprise presentation of gorgeous flowers by Gerald for my birthday! It was so nice to start the day calmly with beautiful flowers. Twoof our three great grandsons were already outside, and I quickly puton some bacon to bake for when they showed up at the kitchen table.After I ate my egg and toast, I started looking at my small to-dolist.

The Freeport Eilers were going to eat with their church familythis year. Their church provides a community dinner for anyone whowill come much like Herrin does. Last year Jeannie had a cold andhad to stay home and the rest of the family came without her. Thisyear they were staying home; and when Cecelie called me with birthdaywishes, they were on their way to their feast, and I assume to pitchin to help. Jeannie and Rick's daughter Leslie and husband Mikewere in Ohio to be with Mike's family. Geri Ann in Oregon and Samin Waco were both going to a friend's home for dinner since they aretied up until Christmas break. Erin and baby Caroline down in Texaswere having Josh's parents to be with them from Oregon or Minnesota--they live both places, so I am not sure of their current location. I liked knowing that Josh knew his folks were there to celebrate withhis wife and daughter, and I was pleased that Gerald brought up andplaced with our group the 8 by l0 photo of Josh holding two-week-oldbaby Caroline before he had to return to South Korea. Josh stays inour thoughts and prayers.

We have had a lot of excitement crammed into little more than aweek's time! Last Saturday we drove over and took flowers toKatherine who was in the hospital at Carbondale. Before we left thehouse, we were shocked to hear that Gerry, our son who had just goneto Auburn University as associate softball coach two months ago, hadaccepted head coach at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette andthat it would be announced at press conference on Monday.

Gerry invited us down; of course, Gerald and our daughter MaryEllen wanted to be there. Me too, but since doctors warned me to nottravel without resting every two hours or so after a pulmonaryembolism several years ago, I knew that would be out of the questionwith the race down there. Mary Ellen double checked that Gerry really wanted them there despite how busy as he would be. She had aterrible coughing cold, and Gerald woke up somewhat weak on Sundaymorning, but they went anyhow. They were making good time until theyhit a couple of very long traffic delays, so their 8 pm arrival timestretched out till 11 pm. Ready to fall into their beds in theirreserved room, they could not locate the room for their key. Theywent back to the desk, and found that motel with their very expensiveroom had no night clerk! She left evidently after as soon as shegave them their key and no directions. After a continued search,they finally gave up and went elsewhere and got to bed at 1 am. andwere up shortly after 5 for Monday's exciting activities startingwith a tour of facilities and meetings before the 11 o'clock pressconference . All the fun and pleasure of hearing Gerry's careerpraised gave them adrenaline, and the many hugs and laughterprovided serotonin and endorphins to get through the day happily andwide awake feeling good. They were back home by 11 that night afterthe second 630 mile trip in two days. (Yes, they received an apologyand no charge at first motel. Evidently there were two buildings andthe night clerk in her hurry to leave failed to properly explain.)

Gerry's wife Vickie cares for baby Caroline during the week whileErin teaches, so she had used Erin's break to go to Normal here inIllinois to see the Archibald family--Tara and Bryan and her threegrandsons. Suddenly she had to shorten her visit and fly down toLafayette. Yet she looked rested and beautiful in her red dressthat perfectly matched the bouquet they gave her. (Vermilion is theschool color, and I had to google it to discover that bright red orscarlet is close enough. I suspect I will be doing quite a bit ofgoogling to learn about Lafayette and the Ragin' Cajuns.) I was athome, but I was able to see much of the festivities with all thevideos on Facebook and spent most of the day doing so, although I wasaware it was three days till Thanksgiving.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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