Molly Brooks

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Molly's POV

"Mommy! Mommmmmmmm! Mamaaaaaa!"  Yelled a small voice that strangely sounded like my daughter. 

"Ugh... Honey, Penny is calling for you..." Groaned my husband from beside me in bed, as he further smushes his face into his pillow.

I take some time getting out of bed. 

4:12 AM

Four in the fucking morning. My eight year old daughter is making me get up at four in the goddamned morning. 

This is new.

After a good three minutes, I finally dragged my tired ass into Penny's room. Her covers were up to her neck and she was shaking a little bit. 

"Penny? Honey, what's the matter?" I asked tiredly, sitting at the edge of her bed.

"I-I had a bad dream..." She stutters. 

"Oh.... Sweetie, it's okay. Just a bad dream, nothing like that will happen in real life, I promise." I say, taking her little hand in mine. 

"B-But I thought I saw the monster in my dream in here... I got scared..." 

"Where do you think you saw the monster, sweetie?" I ask, getting up and turning the light on. 

"In the closet..." She mumbles, wiping at her sleepy eyes. I make my way to her closet, checking every nook and cranny. 

"Good news, no monster in sight! Do you think you can go back to sleep now?" I ask. She nods faintly, laying back down. I quickly give her a kiss on the head, turn off her light, and head back to my own bed. 

Once I crawled back into my own bed to get as much more sleep as possible, Christopher wraps his arms around me and mumbles something incoherent. "Honey, I don't understand gibberish..." I say jokingly.

"Why was Penny so upset?" He asks, more clearly this time.

"She just had a nightmare is all. If it happens again you are taking care of it by the way." I feel him smile against my neck before he gives me a quick kiss there. 

"Got it, babe. Goodnight, love you." 

"Love you." With that, we both are able to fall back asleep.


I wake up later that morning.

It was strange, after Penny woke me up super early about her nightmare, I had a weird dream. 

I was in the army for some reason, and it was my first time flying to Afghanistan to fight a war. At one point, the military plane spotted a man walking through the nothingness called the desert. Our plane touched down and it turned out the man was an American who was held captive for months. It was absolutely insane and out of this world. 

I'm just happy it wasn't a nightmare, but it was quite an odd dream to have.

"Molly!" I snap out of it and look towards Chris.


"Are you alright? You're just standing there in your own world..."

"I'm fine. I just had a weird dream but I don't think it will happen again, it was just odd."

"Oh yeah? Care to talk about it?" Christopher asks me as he hugs my shoulder and kisses my head. I shrug in his hold.

"I joined the army and found an American man walking through the desert in Afghanistan after being held captive. Not the average dream."

"Well, good thing is, you aren't joining the army and we both intend to stay faaaar away from any deserts." Chris says and I can't help but laugh. "Good, I'm guessing I made you feel better."

"You always do, sweetie." I peck him on the lips. 

"Alright, I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I went to work. Love you!" Christopher says before kissing me one last time.

"Love you too, honey!" I yell back before deciding to check up on Penny before she goes to school. 

"Mommy! What shoes should I wear?" Penny comes bouncing out of her room with a pair of light up sneakers and a pair of flowery pink crocs. 

"Hmmm, that's a tough one, Pen. I'd say since there is a chance of rain today, go with the sneakers so your cute little feet don't get soaked!" I say as my voice gets higher at the end of that sentence and I pick Penny up. 

"Ahahah! Mommy, I need to catch the bus!" Penny squeals as I keep her up in the air.

"Oh okay, I suppose I can let you go..." I say and let my daughter down. "Now put your crocs back and make sure you don't forget your backpack. I'll be at the front door." Penny nods and runs back to her room. 

"Bye mommy, see you later!" Penny kisses my cheek before she runs out the door to the awaiting bus.

"Bye Pen, love you!" I yell back. 

I'm a stay at home mom, but I do technically work. It's all online. 



Alright, here is a new story for you all! Not gonna lie, I started writing this one awhile ago so I don't have many ideas for it, but I'm hoping as I write it I'll start to get ideas on what to do. Wherever this story goes, I hope you guys will like it! Thanks guys!

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