Info & Form

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Hello my lovelies. Admin Ash will be running this rp. In the description I mentioned a twist. Well that twist is... regardless of the fate of original DC characters, you may play as their children. That's right, their children. Please see the rules book on this account for basic rules. Additional rules being
1. Be mindful that more than one person may want batman or Harley Quinn as their character's parents.
2. Please, no awful mixes. I don't want to see catwoman with joker or Harley Quinn with Green Arrow. I am very passionate about this.
3. Try to avoid teenagers. I'd like to preserve the fact very few characters are kids.
4. If you want to be the more unique person in the rp I encourage you to create your own hero or villain from scratch. Impress me.
5. We will not be playing as the original DC characters.

Don't forget Meta-Humans are a possibility. If you choose a parent who's a Meta-Human you are automatically deemed a Meta-Human in my book and will possess that parent's power. Or make your own Meta-Human. Just remember, science will beat you one way or another.

Also please, I encourage fights. I wanna see fights and relationships. Good and bad. But don't fight to kill. Fight to win.





Hero, Vigilante, or Villain?:

Parents(if any):



Public Affairs:

Alter Ego:

Casual Clothes:



What do you do?:


P.S. This is not an individual rp. Rp with each other cuz I'm not on much.

Edit: So due to both Kt and I not being very active anymore since stuff picked up, dont wait for us to rp. Neither of us are on Wattpad anymore to manage it and I feel bad about this for all the people who actually follow the rules and warnings we had put up. I dont particularly care about you being "accepted" if neither of us are there to accept you so for now, until further notice, the "dont rp until accepted rule" has been revoked until further notice. This update was written May 10th, 2020.

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