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Giovanni and Rowena Gaunt apparated into the Wizarding World of Persia. Rowena wanted to redecorate their manor that's located in Salazar's Hallow, and she does, like every month. While Giovanni was a 6-foot, Tan (Extremely Egyptian Golden Tan), Muscular build of an auror and quidditch player combined, Sandy blonde hair and sea green eyes.

Rowena on the other hand was this 5 foot 4 Grecian skin tone, well built thick woman with light brown hair and white eyes. While Giovanni was in Hogwarts, he was the only know Gaunt to be in Ravenclaw, but nobody in Hogwarts really learned of his family lineage till his third year, where he spoke parseltongue perfectly to a snake ready to attack James Potter in DADA. In Giovanni's sixth year, Rowena transferred from Greece. Her parents were assassinated by contract killers in the Grecian underworld.

With her father being one of the last pureblood vampires kind and her mother a pureblood veela, her family was well known and powerful all over Greece.The contract killers did their deed two days after Rowena turned 16, causing her to flee to England to stay with her aunt who was also a pureblood veela. She enrolled into Hogwarts and was immediately sorted into Ravenclaw because of her brains and wits. Giovanni, being the kind gentleman he was by pureblood standards, showed Rowena the ends and outs of Ravenclaw tower, the kitchens by the Hufflepuff common room and the escape routes of Hogwarts leading to Hogsmeade if she ever wanted to leave the grounds for a while.

While taking Rowena on dates, they learned that both sets of parents were killed for reasons they found unknown and really uncared for, so they focused on the present and being in each others presence. By their 7th year, Giovanni had finally gathered the courage to ask Rowena on a few dates, by valentines day the were known as the "Bright Bronze" couple. They graduated and gotten married a couple of years after Graduation. By this time, Voldemort had already contacted Giovanni a few times to get Him and his wife on his side, seeing as Tom and Giovanni were cousins.

They remained neutral, however, the bigger problem for Giovanni and Rowena was that Dumbledore himself was a master of illusions. You see, Dumbledore has his favorites, and his favorites happen to be Lily and James Potter. He set the Potters up to be Famous by reciting a fake prophecy while Voldemort was close enough to hear him recite it and it made Voldemort go crazy, thus "The Boy Who Lived" came to life. During that time, the Gaunts went to Dumbledore unknowingly that he was going to plan a separation between them and their heiress they had not even three months into the first wizarding war.

They went to Dumbledore, believing that he could hide them away from Voldemort, being that they wanted no part in the same war that took away Giovanni's parents. Dumbledore sent them to live in Salazar's hallow only to steal Aphrodite Cecilia Gaunt (A.K.A Hermione Granger) from them by sending James Potter and Molly Weasley. Everything Dumbledore did didn't trace back to him. Rowena only saw red after seeing Aphrodite taken away from her, she killed everyone who had a daughter that she thought looked like hers. She was sent to Azkaban for 12 years, she never lost her sanity, only believing that her daughter was alive. After serving time in Azkaban, Giovanni and Rowena sent a few house elves on a mission, find their daughter and make sure she was safe.

The house elves found her among muggle dentist who treated her like she were their own. Rowena was happy for her daughter, despite being banished to the living confinements of Salazar's hallow, she always had a bad feeling that things would take a turn for the worst. Little did she know that she was right......


Everyone knows and understands Draco Malfoy's and Harry Potter's story, but what about Luna???? Rose  Bellatrix Malfoy (A.K.A Looney Lovegood) and Draco Malfoy are twins. During Narcissa's early stages of pregnancy, Narcissa was hardly seen in Malfoy manor, although technically she was still in the manor. She was always walking around, muttering things about Fate while walking as well as in her sleep.

Fate told her of a REAL prophecy that would circle around Rose as "The one to know things other didn't" and also to help "'The Chosen One' take down two of the most powerful and greatest wizards of all time. But what Lady Fate had in store for Rose was MUCH different from what Narcissa had planned for Rose. After having Draco and Rose, Lady Fate took Rose to stay with Xenophilius Lovegoood until she turned 16. When Harry, Aphrodite, Draco and Luna turned 16, the Wizarding World changed forever........ and that's our story will begin

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