Part 1

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Scene 1


There is a little cabin immersed in the fog, at the top of a mountain.

Two old figures are sited in a corner near a fire.

The man is drinking something hot meanwhile, the woman is looking through a narrowed window.

There is silence everywhere, except for the cracking of the fire.

"They are coming," the old man states gravely.

"I don't like it."

"I know."

"What can we do?" questions the woman, caressing her long, silver, braid.

"Wait for them."

Scene 2

The whistle of the train bounces through the small village surrounded by high mountains and a large river, frozen almost the whole year.

A woman and two boys descend from the train.

The woman is in a hurry and walks out of the station like a mad spirit.

Instead, the two boys leave their backpack on the ground and start to look around, gaining familiarity with the place.

"It is creepy."

"It is fascinating."

"You should live in a horror movie."

"Look at that statue."

"A dragon eating a man? What represents?"

"Power," a solemn voice says.

The two boys jump in surprise.

Marcus, the tall and the scared one squeals, and gripping his cousin's arm mumbles: "I hate this place! I hate this place!"

The man in front of them is showing a soft smile and a head full of white hair. He is wearing a long, black coat, and he is holding a golden pipe in his right hand.

"Good evening, guys."

"Good evening, Sir."

"May I help you?"

"We are fine, thanks," Marcus shatters, not to kin to accept the help of a stranger. Especially in this isolated village, where the time seems frozen, and every corner is covered by thick fog and gray clouds.

Mark, who is the brave one, shoots him an annoyed look, before turning his attention to the man. "Thanks! Your help would be a blessing. We are foreigners and don't know anything around here."

"Well, I can bet. In this village live a hundred of souls, and the train stops only once in a week."

"I don't like him," Marcus whispers, making Mark showing a forced smile to the stranger. "Seems like to live in a big family."

"Almost," replies the elder, amused by Marcus' peculiar attitude. Observing curiously his young face becoming paler and paler at every new bong of the bells, with his long fingers fidgeting at every noise played in the distance. 'Humans are funny to study' think the man, releasing a big puff of smoke.

Marcus grips his cousin arm, trying to calm him down, and clearing his voice, talks to the man: "We are looking for our grandparents. We know that they have a house up to the mountain, but nothing else."

"OH...I see."

"Can you help us?"

"Well... only a few people live in the mountains. The weather there is worst than down here, and there is nothing to do."

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