Chapter 2

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You know life as a child you don't always know everything that's going on. You are left with more confusion than anything. Confused not because you aren't aware of anything, but because you can't speak on it. You kind of was left defenseless. Praying for someone to help you.

See I speak on this because I was once a defenseless in a situation. At the age I was at people say you can't remember that far back. Well that is true for some. Not in my case. I was two years old. And somethings you just can't forget. Even though, you try your hardest.

See I was molested at two. It's like you try to block it out, but something holds it there. For it to be someone that my mom dated was probably the more fucked up thing about it. Well, I was sent upstairs to take a nap originally. Not in my own bed, but in my mom's bed. I didn't think twice about it. I mean I was a kid. I just did what I was told to do.

I was trying to go to sleep. Then my mom's boyfriend at the time who name was Bob came and laid with me. That was something different cause Bob usually didn't sleep next to me. Again I was only two so I honestly didn't care. At first we just laid there. Then he asked me did I want to play a game. I said yes of course. That's when things turned left.

He began to rub on me. Then he pulled up my white T-shirt. I didn't know what was going on. Or what to think. I wasn't taught what was good touches or bad touches yet. So I just laid there. Then he tried to kiss me. All I can remember is that his body weighed so much on top of me. It hurt, but I didn't know what to do.

I'm glad that my sister Tanesha came and saved me. With the help of her then boyfriend at the time. My sister Tanesha called my mom and told her what she saw. I remember everyone asking me if I was okay. I felt like I was. I didn't feel any different after that. From my understanding Bob got in trouble after that. I never seen since.

Now that I'm of age rethinking the horror I encountered I feel like I'm still confused. Bob was a sick man. There's no denying that. I can't help to wonder how many girls have he done this too? I'll never understand it. I wish I can get these questions answered, but Bob died.

When I found out that Bob died it was like a big relief off of me. No one understands the torture it is to know if that person is lurking around. He could be around every corner. The fear that's still installed in your head. Even though you try to convince yourself that it's over. In your head it's never over.

We all know when your two things continue to move along. Life went on. I was a happy kid. Well, at least for the most part. I never brought up Bob again. Not till I got older. Things went on and on. I grew along the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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