Iris, The Activist

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"Everybody else has been through a lot and I have been through not enough."

Basic Information:
Full name: Iris Agni
Title: The Activist
Nicknames: "run", "not again", "quick, this way" (lols), hourglass, the activist
Age: 15
Birthday: December 18th (Sagittarius)
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Physical Aspects:
Ethnicity: Weather Mage and Dragon
Hair: Wavy black hair that goes to her thighs. It's very voluminous.
Eyes: Dark blue
Skintone: Peach
Physical build/fitness: Curvy hourglass. Muscular in arms and legs. (Thighs a little thick)
Posture: Tall and confident, strutting.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145 lbs
Voice: High ranged alto. Kinda sounds like popular girl from movies like "oh honey, I don't think you wanna try that. Okay?"
Shirt- Half top with crosses straps in the front. (Black and blue)
Coat- Big, black leather jacket with ends ripped and torn.
Bottoms- either black voluminous/ruffled torn up skirt OR dark blue jean shorts with the pockets showing from under the shorts.
Shoes- black high heels that go up to her calves with ribbons. OR black and blue high boots.
Other- fishnet leggings
Accessories: jingly silver bracelets on wrists, sometimes moon earrings

Personality Information:
Character keywords: confident, talkative, outgoing, sexy, flirtatious, impulsive, emotional, jealous
Virtues: Charming, kind, motivational, Charitable
Flaws: Pushy, demanding, impulsive
Tragic flaw: impulsiveness
Self or Others: Others
Joys: Protesting, collages, cute clothes, smiles, dancing, socializing, fighting, and making a difference.
Fears: being deemed insignificant, being useless, blending into to the crowd, being forgotten
Hobbies: Creating posters for causes, practicing fighting in heels (hates taking them off), styling outfits with Onyx, learning new dance styles
Coping mechanisms: Throws self into charity work when depressed about anything really. She just makes everything about others and stops focusing on herself to stuff away the pain. She doesn't like to face her pain.
Optimist, pessimist or realist: Optimist
Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ENFP
Ideal relationship: All she wants is a guy who is willing to stand with her while she protests out in the pouring rain or just go a long with her plans even if they sound stupid. She just needs emotional support and a best friend.
"No that was yesterday, now I have to save the cockroaches. THEY HAVE LIVES TOO!"
"I'm sexy and you know it~"
"I ship it SO HARD"
*twirls her hair*
*will sit however she wants to even if she is in a formal setting*
Nervous habits: plays with hair or messes with outfit

Weather manipulation- She can manipulate the weather
Elemental storm- Causes a huge storm with a single element
Sword wind gust- slashes sword and huge wind burst shoots out
Ice slash- slashes sword and ice shards come out
Rock burst- steps on ground and can send rocks at opponents
Backwards protection- when she flips backwards an automatic shield protects her
Specialty: Weather and elemental magic
Weapons: Huge curved sword with blue veins on it, can transform into a skirt...don't question it.
Brief fighting description: She hits heavy and hard. She holds her ground and is only nimble when she flips backwards to dodge. She's working on increasing her agility.

Family wealth: Middle class family. She isn't rich, but if she wants a new laptop her dad might get it for her for Christmas if she is a good girl.
Family friends: Ash's family, Olivia's family, Kyo's family, Raven's family
Immediate family:
Dad- Adam, seemingly quiet and resourceful individual that actually has a wild side.
Mom- Storm, an independent girl who loves to read a good book.
Current friends: Bella, Celeste, Dove, Suki, Aspen
Current acquaintances: Shou, Ariana, Kylie, Aria, Ruby
Current enemies: None
Current employer: None
Previous employers: None
Current co-workers: None
Previous co-workers: None

General History:
"I was born toward the end of the sin war. I didn't know trouble like my parents did, but I always heard about it or read about it in books. I realized I have it twice as good as most and I hated it. Therefore, I spent most of my life standing up for others. I hated the though of sitting in the dark doing nothing while people suffered. So till this day I stood up and did whatever I could to make my parent's life easier. They have already been through a lot and I have been through not enough."
Living arrangements: Dorm room
Hometown: Narian Backwoods
Current town of residence: Reservoir, Leem
Previous residences: Narian Backwoods
Education level: Kindergarten through Sophomore
Training: She has learned hand to hand combat from her parents and other basic fighting skills from friends and family friends. She has no amazing talents, but she does have an aptitude for confidence and determination.

Goals—Ultimate and In-Story:
Short-term goals in-story: To stand up for others
Long-term goal in-story: To make the world a better place
Childhood goals: To make the world a better place
Life-long goals: To make the world a better place
Romantic goals: Find somebody who will raise the world up with her
Family goals: Make her parents happy
Revenge goals: None

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