Twas the Night Before the APWH Exam

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Twas the night before the AP Test, when all through the globe

Not a student was sleeping, afraid of their scores.

Their notes were thrown by their laptops with scare,

In hopes that college credits would soon be theirs.

The students were restless all stressed in their beds,

While visions of 4s and 5s danced in their heads.

And I, in a state of panic, unknown to the fam,

Had just crammed my brain for a long APWH exam.

When out in the textbook there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the laptop I flew like a flash,

Tore open my textbook and threw up the sash.


The laptop light lit up my history notes

Giving a focus to domesticated cows and goats.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a iron chariot, being pulled by some reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be the Hittites.

More rapid the innovations in agriculture they came,

And the empires grew and grew with a million names!

"Now Roman! now, Han! now, Mauryan and Gupta!

On, Egypt! On, Persia! Bye nomads and wanderers!

To the top of the silk road! to the top of the world!

Now essays! Essays! Essays for all!"


Exploration increased before the Americas were discovered,

When met with an obstacle, new innovations were uncovered.

So due to religions, the prayers they knew,

Of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, too.

And then, in a rampage, I heard in the steppes

The bloodshed and conquest of the land the Mongols kept.

The Bubonic Plague killed people all around

And feudalism dominated in Western Europe as it frowned.


Colombus was the first European in the New World to step foot,

And his successors killed it's people with the guns, germs, steel, and soot.

Zheng He traveled across the Indian Ocean and back,

And da Gama went around Africa to fill up his pack.

The slave trade, however, was not quite that merry!

They brought Africans across the Atlantic in crowded ferries!

The Renaissance led to a larger need-to-know,

And Martin Luther made all the Catholics yell "woah".


The stacks of pipes in factories were powered by steam,

And the smoke that encircled them was quite a scene.

People flocked to the cities and urbanization ruled,

While monarchs like Louis were completely schooled!

Enlightenment was the law of the land,

And revolutionaries in Haiti and Latin America got the upper hand!

Imperialism, capitalism, and mercantilism led

Along with Marxism that we all now dread.


The Great War put women to work,

And the Allies blamed Germany and called it a jerk.

Hitler spoke and grow did his nose,

And then because of him, fascism rose!

Lenin turned to communism and left the war,

And Stalin pushed for it incredibly more.

Conflict didn't end when World War II did with a bang,

The Cold War continued, and the US tried to save the day.

China and Cuba followed in Russia's steps,

And the Middle East saw rage and OPEC.

McDonaldization was in everybody's sight,

And globalization conquered the night!

Merry Christmas and Happy APWH Exam taking!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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