The Creation

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"My eyes flickered open. The first sight I saw was a dirty man, in a dim-lit room. The first thought in my head was the exact time. 22:56:37, 1985. I was confused, I had no knowledge of... anything. I struggled to see. Lights brightened the room. They were coming from my eyes. He then talked to me, in a gruff, but gentle voice. 'Do you know who I am?' I shook my head no, I didn't know anything but the english language and instinct. He spoke again, introducing himself to me. 'I am your creator. My name is Thomas Quinton. I made you. With brass and steam. Not the most relevant materials, I know, but I've been working on you for quite a long time. Twenty years to be exact. That was when I was twenty two. Well, you're name is Red.' That was his exact words. I heard a voice call his name, and he yelled back, 'I'll be right there!' He then turned to me and said, 'I'll be back.' He pressed this button- right here on my chest- and that's when it went dark."

"That's all you can remember?" The young voice, responded. The speaker was Arthur.

"Well, he came back the next day, the day after that, so on and so forth, teaching me more about him, more about me, and more about the outside world wasn't prepared to see. 'I need to make you stronger,' he told me. Each day he worked on me, and soon, I could freely roam the room. After exactly four years and seven months, I was complete. I could move perfectly. I could speak fluidly, and I could understand many complex things. Very impressive for a steam-powered robot. Then, about six years later, he began working on a new robot, which took him eight more years. Although, this one was more intelligent, and extremely humanoid. He was building an android. And that's where we see the arrival of Green."

Red looked like your typical human, although he did have some tears in his skin, revealing he was merely a robot. Red put his hand out to Green, who was also uncannily human.

"Wait, you said Green was extremely humanoid, but you are just as humanoid as her. Were you not like her?"

"No, he wasn't. He was human-like, but didn't look human, if you get what I'm saying? We'll get there, don't worry," said Green. She brushed her long golden hair out of her face. "I had a similar experience to Red. I was confused, but picked up quickly. It took less time to learn things; it made things easier when two people were teaching me. I was basically Thomas's apprentice, working with him to make Red an android, which is how he looks human now. But around the year 2000, Thomas had left for quite a long time. He came back, after a few years, telling us he was sick. He was going to die in 2006. He had us work alongside him, to create a third robot. This being Blue."

Blue waved and said, "I'll talk next." He stood up and began talking. "Thomas copied Red and Green's memory chips. He turned them into one, and put it into me. For the longest time I acted like two people. Multiple personalities. Soon, the two merged into one, and I am who I am now. Kind of. We witnessed something very gruesome afterwards. He split his chest open. He told us he was preserving himself. We couldn't stop him." Blue took a deep breath, then exhaled. This sounded very robotic. He then desperately asked, "Green, can you finish this, please?"

"Yeah, of course. So, he took this machine," Green pointed to a large, complex machine with a small needle at the end, "and stabbed it into the hole in his chest. Is this... to gross for you?" Green asked Arthur, who had a blank expression on his face, staring at the floor.

"No no, it's fine. Gross, but keep going." Arthur responded.

Green continued talking. "Well, the machine began to glow. The colour started to drain out of him. He was taking his soul out of his body. Everything went so fast. The machine made a bright white flash, and then it was over. His skin was pale, his hair colour faded, and all life in his body seemed to drain. He was still alive, but barely. After he repaired his chest, he took his soul and split it into three. Red, green, and blue. He put the thirds into us, respectively. He powered us down afterwards, so the soul could properly dissipate through us."

"And next is when I power you on?" Arthur asked.

"Not quite," Blue responded. "Our shut off cameras were still on, which means..."

"We saw everything that happened in our three years of shutdown," Red finished.

"We witnessed your father die," Blue said, with a wavering voice. "We saw an empty room for three years. We saw rats passing by, and our internal clocks counting up. For three years." His tone went from scared to upset. "We sat there, not being able to do anything!" Blue approached Arthur, and began shaking him angrily. "You don't know how traumatizing that is! And it's all your father's fault!" Dust kicked up from the concrete floor.

"Blue, stop!" Red pulled Blue away from Arthur. "Settle down. It's not his fault. We're back now, that's what matters. Arthur saved us. Don't hurt him."

Blue stepped back, with a blank expression. "I- I'm so sorry, Arthur."

"It's fine, I'd probably be like that too, if I were locked away for three years," Arthur said. "Speaking of that, you guys look really destroyed. Do you want me to fix that?"

"You can do that?" asked Green, her face lit up.

"Actually, no, but you can teach me?" Arthur chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure. We'd be happy to," said Red.

They swept the room for hours, reviving old machines and contraptions, and even cracking jokes. Several dead lights began blinking again, and many were moving, pouring liquids, melting, freezing, and doing much much more. The androids, Red, Blue, and Green, taught Arthur how to make android skin, hair, and how to keep the android parts stable and clean. This lasted for nearly seven hours until Arthur took a glance at his watch.

"Shoot, it's already one?!" Arthur said.

"Oh, is that late?" Asked Red.

"Yeah, I was supposed to be home by eight! I have to go, I'm so sorry. See you!"

Arthur rushed up the stairs, and through two panels in the ceiling, and emerged into his backyard. He lowered two grass-camouflaged panels sticking out from the ground, and everything looked normal again. A small, blue house, in a quiet neighborhood. Nothing could be suspicious in the slightest. He creaks open his back door, and shuts it as quietly as he had opened it, which apparently had not been very quiet. His mother shouted through the house.

"Arthur Hamilton Quinton!" His mother shouted, "You've been gone way too long! Where were you all this time?"

"Father's laboratory," He responded, "I found it."

 "You found it?" She asked, uncertain, "You must show me."  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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