A new super hero team

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"This is so cool! It's like we're an actual superhero team!" Ned yelled though the comms that Tony made for us.

After a little persuasion, Tony finally made a communication devices for me and Ned so we where able to talk to Peter when we where out on petrol.

I let out a laugh as I stood on a roof of one of the many buildings in New York city. "Unofficial superhero team." I said as I couched down on the ledge when I saw the guys me and Peter we looking for.

"But still a superhero team!" Ned's excitement over this will never get old. "We also still need to come up with a name for you (Y/n)." Ned continued.

I herd typing from his end of the comm line. "How about 'Mimicker'." Ned said.

I screwed up my face. "No, that sounds horrible."

"I have to agree with (Y/n) on that one. You've came up with better ones then that." Peter spoke up.

I herd more typing coming for his end. "How about (H/n)?"

I thought about it. It dose have a ring to it. "I'll think about it." I asked.

There was a quiet 'yes' from his end which caused both me and Peter to laugh.

I stopped laughing when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

I turned and looked to the street. A groupie of people who we saw earlier was walked down the street.

"Hey Peter, I see them." I said as I made sure I didn't lose the men we where looking for.

"I'm on my way." Peter said and In the distance I saw him start to swing my way. "You know, this is a lot easier with someones help." He said as he landed beside me.

I turned to him with a confusion written all over my face. "Did you forget that you can basically stop a car with you bare hands? You even have an AI designed by my cousin built into your suit."

He shrugged and turned to look at me. "Yeah, but it's a big city. I can't be in two places at once." He said and looked to where the gang walked into an abandoned warehouse.

I was about to say something when Karen's voice came though my comm. "He likes having you around (Y/n)."

"Karen!" Peter yelled, his voice slightly cracking at the end.

I let out a laugh. "I don't why you're embarrassed. We're already dating." I said turning towards him.

I could tell that under the mask he was blushing.

"I know. But..." Peter started to say and turned his head to look at me.

"This is all nice, but there are bad guys that need to be stopped." Ned finally spoke up causing both me and Peter to jump.

"R-right." Peter said. Droney popped of the front of his suit and flew into the building the men we where following walked into.


It was late at night before me and Peter managed to stop the gang and get home.

It was pretty easy, though couple of the thugs managed to get a couple of hits which I knew where going to be bruises in the morning.

Peter started to climb the wall while I scaled it, staying out of sight of the other residents. Once I climbed though the window, I flopped down onto Peters bed.

"I wish it wasn't a school night so I could sleep in the whole day." I mumbled into Peter's blanket.

I herd Peter let out a chuckle. "It's you felt that they managed to hit you." Peter said.

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