that one dream

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Mary Ann was a loveable, fun and outgoing teenager.She loved all her family dearly.But on a very cold winters morning Mary Ann got terrible news.Her loving grandmother had sadly passed away.She was heartbroken.She felt torn in side, like there was a hole in her heart.Her mother asked her to do a reading for the funeral. She agreed.When the funeral came Mary said her goodbyes and prayed for her poor grandmother.That week she felt down in the dumps.She was miserable.That was untill she met a guy called Kevin Mckeon.She fell in love with him instantly. They were best friends and the one day Kevin got the courage to ask her to go out."Mary Ann I love you so much, please can we go maybey for dinner this Friday?"he asked shyly."Of course I would love to!"she replied. So finally that big day came.Mary Ann looked stunning. Her beauty shone like a thousand stars.Kevin was amazed.The dinner was lovely and after, Mary Ann got her first kiss!One night Mary couldnt sleep.Then she had a very weird dream...she was all alone . nobody was there!"Hello?"she cried out.There was a soft voice in the distance."be quiet!"it whispered."I am medatating!"."Sorry"she replied sheepishly. "Ok now you may speak"it said."What am I doing here? who are you?"she asked."I am Master Willice, and you are the chosen one." "What do you mean Master Willice?" " please call me Will, I am hear to grant you one wish,  so choose wisely".Mary Ann paused for a minute... what wish ....getting her grandmother back? No that would not be No that would be selfish...oh how about Kevin that we may get married some day and have children! ya! that was good!  So she asked for that wish.......just before Will could say wish granted, Mary woke up....

I wonder did it come true? probably not....she just had to wait and see . Unfortunately Mary's dream appeared to her false.She gave up hope.As time passed, she realised she wanted to marry Kevin . Fortunately, one day kevin asked her to marry him! she was delighted! At the age of 29 she was proud to be Kevins wife.And... at the age of 35 she was proud to be a.... MOTHER!!!! her wish DID come true!! And this was all because of That one dream.......

                                                    The end.......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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