Chapter 13

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Brooklyn lays on the floor in her bathroom and cries. She has no idea what she is going to do. Not that what's going to happen to her lover. She doesn't want any trouble to happen to him. Brooklyn does love him. Despite the reasons on how they relationship started.

She cleans herself up. She leaves the bathroom. Monica was listening to her sister for a while. She didn't know why she was crying, but she wanted to know why. Maybe Brooklyn was sad about what happened to their mom. It is hard to deal with. Monica goes down the stairs.

"Hey Brooklyn. Are you okay?" Monica asked her sister.

"I will be. Don't worry." Brooklyn responded.

"I know it's hard to not think about mom. I try not to cry over. It is hard not too. You just got to stay strong." Monica said as she touches Brooklyn shoulder.

"I said I'm okay. Just get ready so we can go see mom and Rose." Brooklyn said.

Monica seriously wanted to know what was wrong with Brooklyn, but she just left it alone. She didn't want to fight anymore. They got ready and jumped in the car and drove to the hospital. Brooklyn hated going to the hospital. It just felt like it was surrounded by death to her. Definitely didn't want her mother and sister there.

They pulled up to the hospital. They asked to see their mother first. They were more worried about her than Rose. They walked in and saw Winter working out on her own. The girls knew their mother determination to get out of there. Winter didn't even notice the girls had came in. Well until Dr. Fellows came in.

"Hey, Winter. Here's your dinner. The girls are here to see you." He puts the tray on the table besides her.

"Thanks. Hey girls! Happy to see you guys. Have you guys seen Rose yet?" Winter said as she got into the bed.

"No. We was waiting to see you first." Monica responded.

"Okay. That's fine. Don't spend too much time in here with me. You guys still have to go home at a certain time. Plus you guys have early practice." Winter voice was stern.

"We know mom. Be home by a certain time. Lock the doors. Make sure everything secure before bed. If something doesn't feel right to call the police immediately." Brooklyn said as she rolled her eyes.

"So, what's your problem today Brooks? You seem to have an attitude." Winter sips on her Lipton peach tea.

"Cause you tell us the same thing every day. We get it already." Brooklyn sat on the chair.

"When do you get out of here?" Monica changed the subject.

"Therapist said if I past all the test on Friday I can leave Monday morning." Winter was happy to hear that news. The smile on her face told it all.

"That's good. Do they know when Rose can come home yet?" Brooklyn said flipping through the magazines.

"A couple weeks after me. She is ready to go." Winter said flipping through the channels.

"We want y'all to come home too. Hate this place." Brooklyn said getting up from the table.

"Okay. You guys go ahead and see Rose. Good night." Winter gave each of the kids a hug before the departed from her.

Winter knew that her kids missed her. She missed them too. This was hard being away from them. One thing she knew that her girls were strong and independent young ladies. Even though she's going through some things, she knew that Rose was going to be strong young woman. Even with the baby. Winter was in a deep thought as she drifted off to sleep.

The girls get to Rose's room and she is sleep. Brooklyn just looks at Rose cause she's so healthy. Also pregnant too. She knew that her sister was going through a lot. She never had a close relationship with Rose, but now they both are in the same boat. Brooklyn sits on the chair and the sound wakes up Rose.

"Oh, hey Brooks and Monica. Y'all scared me. What y'all doing?" Rose said as she repositioned herself into a more comfortable spot.

"We wanted to come check on you and momma. Y'all be home soon in a few weeks. I know you can't wait Rose." Monica announced.

"I have never wanted to be home so bad in my life. I can't wait to get this over with. Being pregnant makes you feel so heavy. You know what I mean? You guys don't." Rose rubbed her belly.

"Actually Rose I do. I'm pregnant." Brooklyn confessed.

The girls just looked at each other. Dead silent. I guess the sisters were in the same boat. Can't pass any judgement. It was hard for them to even come to this part. "Who the daddy?" Rose broke the silence.

"The therapist I been forced to go to. You guys he's so different. I really love him and loves me. I know that we won't ever be together. He doesn't care." Brooklyn voice was sadden and scared.

"Damn sis your therapist. Well, what are you going to do? He's like five years older than you. This might end well." Miracle said.

"Yeah I know all that. It is hard. I might slide to his office and see him so we can talk. He doesn't know yet." Brooklyn replied.

"The sooner he knows the better. What did mom say?" Rose asked.

"I didn't tell her anything. I kind of been giving her a hard time since all this started. So, I decided to wait. Not forever. Just till we get into a good place." Brooklyn dropped a couple of tears.

"You guys know daddy is the reason the reason behind this. He has to pay for this. I hate him." Rose said.

"I no longer have a father." Brooklyn announced.

"We have to get going Rose. We will see you soon. Love you." The girl gets up and walks away.

Meanwhile, Charles Reid's rushes over to this important meeting. He knows this probably doesn't mean something good. That is his boss. So he have to see what he wants. This is what he didn't want Brooklyn to know. Charles works under her father's doctors office. He knew that Brooklyn wouldn't have any dealings with him. Now he wonders what the big would want.

Charles is scared. He made sure that he hid it well. Whatever happened at this meeting just happens. If something terrible was to happen it was a letter for Brooklyn to read. He knows what her father is capable of. James sits there in the VIP section smoking a cigar. Like he's a king.

"I see you showed up. You are as smart as you look." James said as he dumps out some ashes.

"I'm here wassup. I have work to do?" Charles replied.

"What is Brooklyn saying? Hope it isn't anything that can be used in court." James voice got scary and weird.

"You and I both know I can not give you any information about my client. I can tell that she hates you. Every time she hears your name it's fear that runs through her." Charles announced.

"That's cute. You fell in love with her. Sleeping with my sixteen year old daughter. You that's considered rape. I can arrest you right here and right now." James threaten Charles.

"You have a lot of nerves you know. Talking to me like that. You just as scared as they are. You ruined your kids. Tried to kill your wife. You act like nothing is going to happen to you." Charles wasn't threaten by James.

"I'll try to kill that bitch again and again. She's trying to ruin me. I won't let that church going bitch win. Them kids weren't even suppose to be here. Well, Brooklyn and Monica were. That Rose. I hate her. I wish she had died." James laughed.

"You are a sick man. I hope you rot in hell for what you are doing to them." Charles was getting angry.

"You get the information or you die. Only this time I won't leave you alive like I did with Winter. " James put out the cigar.

"Do what you have to do. I'm not telling you nothing." Charles stood up.

"Okay so be it." James said. He motioned for his guys to appear.

"Kill him. Right now. Before I watch you take your last pathetic little breath, any last words." James stood there. He felt God.

Charles just spit in his face. "Go to hell." With that being said his throat was slashed.

"I am winning." James stepped on him as he left the club.

See what James didn't know is that inside of button on Charles shirt was a recording device. Charles might be dead. James wouldn't be that far behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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