The encounter

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I walked along the steep path to the one who's soul I had come to take.
I already new what was going to happen for I had done this multiple times before and so had my parents and their parents. It was quite an exhausting journey as my arch enemy 'Life' had stolen my portal creator leaving me with no other choice than to turn invisible and enter the human world. Now don't get me wrong it's not that I don't like walking aimlessly in the human world,it's just that I sort of HATE walking aimlessly in the human world.I mean seriously do these humans ever take a look around them. A place where for centuries there were forests and demons lurking about now there are only these tall...what do you call them?....ah...bulidings. Yes,buildings.
Anyway as I quite roughly avoided bumping in to any human I was thinking of how this human couldn't have found a better place to die? I mean come on! You really expect me to come to an old broken down flat, take your soul and deliver it to the Masters. No sign of a warm welcome for  death. Ok no problem,although I must say you humans know I'm going to come from the moment your parents let you out onto the amazing discovery of death;yet you don't seem to be prepared for my arrival? Quite a bummer isn't it?
There it was.
The soul I had come to collect.
I was quite surprised as to how  young the girl looked and looking back to my report she was only 12 years old.
I walked over to where she was sitting and decided I'd like to introduce myself before I throw her in the pitches of hell or heaven.
" Hi, I'm Death and your dead," I said you know just to clear up any confusions.
"Hm,"she answered staring into hell knows where.
" Do you not have any questions?" I asked.
Or are you not going to burst into tears. I thought.
Again she just blinked.
"Where are your parents?"
"I don't have any,"
What happened to this girl was no-one of  my business but I couldn't help but feel a ting of sympathy for the her.
But then again how did she live all alone?
"Anyway,we better be leaving," I stood up and just then she caught my hand.
"I do have one question," she muttered.
This was it. I knew this was going to happen. They all asked THE question and it would be.... what happens next?
"And that question is......"
"What do you remember?"
I pulled  my hand away.
"What do you mean?"
" you know what I mean,"
And quite unfortunately, I did.


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