Chapter One

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The water felt refreshingly cool against his heated skin and Jimin savoured every moment of it before his mother would send his younger brother down to fetch him. He still had a while before that happened so he dived back under, the sea water crashing against his back as he went.

The water was brimming with life. He watched as a turtle swam by him, its long flippers almost brushing against his arm, its shell glinting in the sunlight filtering through the surface. The vibrant reds, greens, and blues of the coral underneath him stood out against the dull, muted colours of the sand. Little fish of all shapes, sizes, and colours darted in and out of the maze the coral made.

But it wasn't them that had his attention. A large school of fish swam just ahead of him, their scales rippling in the water as they moved together, weaving all around in a pattern only they understood.

He unhooked the small net he had secured to his waist, untangling the knots as he carefully watched the fish swim. He only had the one chance, and if he messed up, if he didn't time it perfectly, he would have to go home empty-handed.

Slowly, he moved closer, his feet kicking behind him silently. He pierced through the water until he was only a few metres away from the school before he splayed the net out in front of him. He didn't dare move any closer, too afraid that his presence would cause the school of fish to scatter. So, he waited. He watched them swerve away from him before doubling back, moving through the water in a snake-like pattern.

Once they were close enough, he struck. He threw his net out, some of the fish getting tangled in it as the others dispersed, swimming around him before disappearing all together. He swam over to pick up his net before swimming for the surface, breaking the water with a gasp of air.


Flinging his wet hair out of his eyes, he turned to face the shore. A boy stood at the water's edge, one of his long, lanky arms raised above his head as he waved. Jimin raised one of his own in response before swimming back to meet him, letting the waves carry him the last couple of metres.

"Jihyun, did mother send you down here again?" Jimin asked.

The boy, Jihyun, nodded, clasping his hands behind his back as he eyed the net in Jimin's hand. "Did you manage to catch anything?"

Jimin smiled, shaking his head to try and dry his wet hair. He grabbed the shirt he'd discarded earlier and shook it free of sand before pulling it over his head, smoothing down the front as it clung to his wet skin.

"Yeah. Looks like we'll be having fish for dinner tonight."

Jihyun spluttered and jumped away from him when some of the water droplets landed on his face. He wiped away at them as Jimin laughed, throwing one arm around Jihyun's shoulder before leading him away from the water.

"You're a child of the sea, Jihyun," Jimin said. "I don't understand how you can hate water that much."

"You might be a child of the sea, or whatever it is you call it, but I'm not," Jihyun huffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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