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My name is Justin I'm a regular high school boy that goes to school the same as all of you but it may be a tad bit different as I am not in an ideal situation that is considered desirable. I was in the class 2-1 everyone around me was fresh I knew no one even though I had been in this class for nine months . That's because no one likes me and they would usually shun me away as ( door opens and 5 people walks in) oh speak of the devil here they are the infamous bully of my school and they are the reason I am ignored by others as I am one of their victims. It all started at the beginning of the year when they came up to me and ask for money or food you get the point and had gone even more harsh as time passes by . There used to be 7 or more people getting bullied by them but as time passed the number had decreased slowly but surely . I can say for sure for as of now I am their only victim and the rest had been dealt with and they had been left alone. As the 5 bullies walked into the class, they saw me staring at them and thus picked up a chair and threw it my direction. Since the person that picked up the chair and threw was a professional athlete that represented our school , I had no time to react before it had reached the brink of my nose and eventually my whole body flung from my seat and had flew back 3 tables. Although I was on the ground bleeding from my mouth and nose , I could focus on what I was hearing from my ears and I could tell the reason they threw the chair at me was because. I stared at them. I got up unfazed by getting rekted by a chair went back to my seat and sat down.The teacher walked in and notice the bleeding and asked me what had happened . I just replied the usual , nothing sir just fell down from the stairs as I was tired from an all nighter yesterday sir. The teacher sat down and said then u deserved it try not to fall the next time you come to school again if i was not wrong it was the  fifth time this month already how careless are you. Classes went as normal , getting my books thrown off my table every time a lesson ended or getting hit by a paper balls they were shooting at me. But today was different , during math class they were shooting at me as usual but something was off , they were disscussing about something, they were snickering away but I decided not to pay attention to it but before I could turn around they had gone back into their firing positions but they had bigger guns . Suddenly they shot different Color things at me and they had stuck onto me before I knew it. It was a stinging pain that I have never felt before . I looked at my arm that I have been using to defend against the onslaught but all I could see was thumbtacks stuck in my arm. They were driven into my skin I plucked them out while also resisting the temptation to scream out the pain.blood was flowing down my arm if it was art class it could be mistaken for me taking my arm and dipping it in red paint. They continued firing thumbtacks for the entire lesson but lucky for me it was the last period. The teacher left the classroom and I had already packed my bag to prepare to leave but the bully's tugged on my shirt and pulled me down onto the floor. I saw all of them staring at me and they had grins all over their faces. I was not afraid of them as I had gone through this too many times that if I take the number of days I am alive for and minus it off by 20 I would not be surprised if the number was the same. I sense something different today it seems as though they had a plan of what they want to do to me. I looked at the bag that one of them was carrying, it looked heavy and it definitely was not books on that bag. They opened the bag and what was inside terrified me. There was a hammer , rake, gag ball, crowbar, whip and some other torture devices. I thought to myself I was not ready for this there is no way that I would be alive after this. Fir the first time in about 5 years I am scared of what the bully may want to do to me . The bullies first took  out their own weapon and they were playing scissors paper stone. They decided to play bone crusher ( reference to prison lab) to see who would be the first one that will make me scream kill me. Although this game would most likely leave me dead as they intended to go as far as that. I was prepared to die I could not do anything but the person with the hammer won and was going to take a swing at me. I closed my eyes and braced for impact, however my thoughts were clouded it seems like my adrenaline rush to the sense of danger had me remember something in the past, yes I remember the time when I actually had friends to play with , depend on , spend time with. I missed those times it was the best days of my life and I want to relive that moment . The hammer Swung at me but for some reason as though it was an instinct, I dodged the hammer and grabbed on to it. The bully had lost grip on the hammer and I held the hammer in my hands while standing up due to the momentum. But something felt strange I could not control my body at all. Suddenly my body Launch forwards towards one of them

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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