YHMH4-Mr. Scruff

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Chapter 4...Mr. Scruff

(Damien's P.O.V.)

As soon as I knocked on the door we started hearing whispers. It took two seconds before I wanted to hide under a rock.

"Gramma someone's at the door!" I heard Shane yell.

"Well, who is it?" my mother replied.

"Unlce Damien and some woman!" Shane grunted. Did they not realize how thin the front door was?

"It's the woman from Hudson's baseball game!" Sadie squealed.

"Sadie stop pushing me I want to open the door!" Shane stated.

"Shane! Well I'm telling Mama that you pushed me!" Sadie quipped back. The twins were always a handful but right now I really just wanted someone to open the door. I was sure that Sunshine was second-thinking this whole invitation/date thing right now. I wouldn't blame her.

"For Heaven's sake someone open the door," My mother ordered. It was her strict voice, and I knew someone was about to get in trouble. It was my mother that ended up opening the door.

"Hello Mother," I stated shyly. I just grinned like I hadn't heard anything before she had openned the door.

"Damien I'm so glad you made it!" She stated hugging me. It took her a moment to realize that there was someone with me. "And who is this?"

"Mother, this is Sunshine Stewart," I replied.

"You've got to be kidding me," She stated and I was suddenly confused. "Come in, Come in, I have something to show you."

We walked into the house and there was a small congregation in the foryer. My sister Rebecca, and my sister-in-law Danielle were talking among themselves and then started giggling like two school girls.

"Well look what the cat drug in," Danielle greeted smiling and coming to give me a hug. "You're looking a little scruffy there. When are you going to shave that rug off your face?"

"Never," I quipped. Danielle truly was the sister that I never asked for. Ever since the very beginning she has always been very witty and quick with the verbal jabs. Still she makes my brother very happy and she is a great mom so I wouldn't trade her for anyone in the world.

"Well will you at least trim your hair you're starting to look like a hippy," my sister Rebecca gripped as she also pulled me in for a hug. After the short hug she looked in Sunshine's direction. "Now, who are you?"

Rebecca has always sounded a little forward, but I think she was just excited in the fact that I brought a new girl home instead of Anastasia. They never really got along. I think it had to do with the fact that they both liked to argue.

"I'm Sunshine," she replied smiling. I don't think my sister's eyes could get any wider.

"Oh I am so sorry, please don't be offended by my last statement. I was just trying to say my brother looks more like a hoodlum than a lawyer," Rebecca quickly tried to apologize.

"No worries, one of the nurses named me at the hospital. I have no clue as to what made her choose Sunshine, but I've never changed it," Sunshine stated. Something in Sunshine's tone told me that there was a story there, I wonder what she meant by that."But you're right he does look a little scruffy."

"Uh, Trader!" I laughed, and just about that time my mother came back with a large canvas. "Mother what is that?" Then I figured it out. The painting.

(Sunshine's P.O.V.)

Damien's family was actually quite charming and a lot less intimidating than I figured they'd be. What I assumed to be his sisters were very sweet, and reminded me alot of how me and Joey pick on each other. Just as we were cutting up with each other and teaming up on Damien his mother came back with a large canvas. It was a very, very familiar canvas.

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