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Amberlynn(Amber) on the left
Serena(Rena) on the right

        I heavily drag my feet out of English and make my way to my math class. I soon enter and plop myself in my usual seat at the back corner. I was 5 minutes early to class so I had time to kill, I let my mind wander off and soon found myself daydreaming of Ethan Dolan. I longed to feel his touch just once.

When the bell rudely disrupted my peaceful daydream I looked up to see Ethan smiling ear to ear at me. I acknowledge his smile with a small grin but it was nothing compared to his.

"Why are you always so down?" He questions me without even thinking I answer saying "I don't have any reason to be happy." Before Ethan has a chance to reply he is interrupted by Micheal Langford.

"Hey Jenny! Why don't u do us all a favor and leave. Even your presence is enough to annoy the whole classroom."

Ethan catches my watering eyes and I turn away from the laughing faces. "First of all" I listen "her name is Jada and I'd watch what you say before I do her a favor and kick your ass" I turn and try my best to keep myself from giving him the biggest hug imaginable.

"Damn chill it's all jokes around here. Your Grayson's twin right? I guess you're the one not to fuck with" Micheal says before finding his seat.

Ethan catches me stare at him and I quickly shift my eyes that are no longer filled with water. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Oh yeah I'm fine, I get it all the time it's really no big deal—" "No it is a big deal" he cuts me off, "Jada don't let them talk to you like that please, it hurts me to see a pretty face like that sad because of a couple jerks"

I smile at him again and nod. This time a genuine smile. Not the kind of smile that is forced to show politeness. Not the kind of smile to hide real emotions. But a smile that made me feel at peace and happy. A feeling I never thought I would experience again.

I continued on through math class with a brightened mood and later found myself dreading Spanish class. It was my worst class of the day, both Serena and Amber were in that class.

But despite my worries I was inspired to try something new today, I walk in with my head held high and keep myself from dragging my feet. Instead of sitting in the back I took a seat in the middle of the room and arranged myself so I looked presentable.

I take a deep breath and sit up straight. I turn to the person on my right and greet him with a warm smile. My expression soon morphed into confusion. "Ethan?" I ask. "Ahaha no I'm his sexier twin Grayson. And you are ?"

It takes me a second to recollect my thoughts. "Oh haha right, my name's Jada." "Nice to meet you beautiful" He gives me a wink as my heart skips a beat.

Wow. I couldn't bring myself to decide if this would be a good or a bad thing.

Class starts and as usual the evil sisters arrive late. I keep my head up, straighten my posture and look forward. They chuckle as they stroll into class and take their seats behind Grayson and I.

"Keep it quiet" the teacher orders as she gets up to explain today's lesson.

"So today we will we learning adjectives, repeat after me clase(class)." She begins. I try to pay attention to her but my attention was concentrated on the constant giggles that were going on behind me.

I guessed I was the source of their laughter but soon found I was wrong when I turned and saw Serena and Amber silently flirting and twirling their hair as Grayson smirked.

"What are you looking at you hideous pig?" Serena rudely comments. I could only roll my eyes at the ignorance going on behind me as Grayson continued on flirting and winking with the 2 wicked witches of the West. At least there's Ethan I thought to myself.
"So Grayson how would you and Ethan like to sit with us today?" Serena says as she strokes his arm that's almost the size of her head.

That was enough for one day so I eagerly made my way to go get food. As I entered the cafeteria I felt someone bump into me. I was soon met with a familiar face and a quick apology.

"It's all good Ethan" I reply. "So I was actually hoping I'd see you, I wanted to ask if you would like to with me" I accepted his offer. "Oh y-yeah of course I want to. U-uh I mean sure sounds cool"

Ethan laughs the awkwardness away as I secretly scold myself. He leads me to a table, I take a seat and he sits directly across from me with that same goofy grin I have grown to love.

"So what would you like to eat it's on me, and don't even think about saying no."

"I'd love to have—" "ugh what's that doing here?" The voice sounds familiar enough so I wasn't surprised when I turned to find both Serena and Amber looking at me with disgusted expressions.

"Excuse me but—" I begin to say "anyway enough of you, I'm done wasting my time on someone so irrelevant." Serena says "I'm Serena and this is sister Amber" she says to Ethan as they both make googly eyes at him. I roll my eyes at them once again.

Ethan takes a look at Serena and Amber who continue to batt their eyes, he then looks at Grayson who seems to be lovestruck at the sight of those evil little things, lastly he looks at me as I try not to make eye contact with anybody.

"So Jada where were we?" He says as he slips his hand into mine making it obvious enough for them to see. My eyes grew wide but not as wide as the girls'

"I said I'd love I slice of pizza please." They quickly stormed off with Grayson and left Ethan and I unbothered for the rest of lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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