My room, my owned
It's hard like stoned
You can't come not until I told
'cause there are treasures inside like gold
I'm with my sister
No man allowed, mister.
It's our hideaway, our den
You need to knock if you want to enter again.
Back off! Don't use my things
You're not the King.
I have my owned computer
Don't use it, if you don't want to hit with scooter
Don't mess my things
or I will kick your butt and fly with wings
I do my assignments here
Don't disturb me, if you don't want to dissappear
I put posters, banners, sign, or anything
And also the picture of my favorite wedding ring
Play music so loud
It feels like you're in a cloud
Someday, I want a room on my own
That you can do anything on your own
Have a sleepover
And do a makeover.
Nobody's standards for livability but mine!
Eat chocolate all day like Cloud9.
Do my projects without noise
And have my own poise.
My room, my privacy
and this poem is done, finally.
Sorry for wrong spelled or grammar.
My Personal Poems :))
PoetryDifferent poems.................. For love , fairy tales , etc. hope you like it :) Enjoy reading.