Detective Hannah

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So there was this one super sexy detective. She was supermegafoxyawesomehot and smart at the same time. Great combination,huh? Her name was Hannah. Hannah had a best friend whose name was Grace. Grace was also supermegafoxyawesomehot and pretty smart too. But Hannah could stand up for herself and wasn’t a suck up like Grace. Grace went around pleasing everyone she could and was well liked for it. Hannah on the other hand, pleased some people but not others, depending on her mood.

So one day Hannah decided to be like Grace. She wanted to do something nice for someone. Pondering on that, she went to school one day. There she met a guy whose name was Daniel. Daniel was sweet and funny but could be annoyingly stubborn at times. Together, the two teased each other and began a friendship. Since Daniel and Hannah had become good friends, Daniel and Grace hung out a lot too.

Soon, the topic of love came up as Homecoming approached. Both Grace and Daniel adamantly refused to go with anyone where as Hannah, being the overly cheery prep she was, was immediately asked by a super mega hottie named Jordan. Hannah couldn’t wait until Homecoming but was saddened by the fact that neither Grace nor Daniel would be going. It wouldn’t be as fun without her two besties, she thought.

Suddenly a brilliant thought struck her. She would use her undercover detective skills to figure out who the two wanted to go with and then get them together. First, she began with Grace. Grace tried to hide under the pretense of “not liking anyone” but Hannah knew better. After a week of close inspection, Grace succumbed under pressure and let her biggest secret slip, something she had never done before. Hannah was shocked but soon pleased. Grace liked Daniel. Of all the people, it would be him, thought Hannah, before planning her next move.

Hannah then spied on Daniel. Daniel was a lot harder to crack, with his tough guy exterior. However, using her persuasive skills and a little bit of influence from a thing called beer, Daniel too spilled his dirty little secret. Yet again, Hannah was stunned. Daniel apparently like Grace, and for a long time too. Energized and ready to rock and roll, Hannah concocted a devious little plan.

First she confronted Daniel, stating over and over how he should just ask Grace. Of course, Daniel’s stubborn nature caused him to persistently refuse. With a great sigh, Hannah produced The Evidence. She played back a tape of his slurred confession, laughing as his eyes grew huge and his jaw dropped open. Hannah left him with a choice: either he tell Grace himself and ask her to Homecoming or she would play his tape on the announcements.

Later that evening, Hannah dropped her best friend off after Grace’s final performance in the school’s musical. As she parked, Hannah spotted a giant poster on the garage. Knowing exactly what would be happening, she spun around to Grace who was oblivious to what was about to take place, giving her only one piece of advice. Hannah told Grace, though she knew her words might fall on deaf ears, to follow her heart and take a risk. Grace was perplexed but went along with what Hannah said. After bestie swearing that Grace would take Hannah’s advice into account, Hannah pulled away from the curb, stating a silent prayer. Grace watched her friend leave, a confused expression on her face as she had no idea what Hannah meant. Turning around, she walked towards her house, stopping short as she approached the green sign.

Her mouth fell open. A giant green poster covered in Harry Potter sayings (her favorite) and a collection of her favorite Disney movies, five giant 2-liter bottles of coke and twelve enormous bags of sour gummi worms lay arranged right next to her garage. The poster contained 7 words that sent her heart racing. "Will You Go To Homecoming With Me?" it read. Smiling in spite of herself, she nodded ecstatically. Out of the shadows appeared the one person who she loved in spite of anything. Daniel. Daniel held out a bouquet of flowers, clearly wearing his heart on his sleeve, exposed for her to see.

Three days later, Hannah lay in her room, sorting through the previous nights pictures. There was the professional one of her and Jordan and one of Grace and Daniel. Then there were multiple group pictures with all her friends and other couples. She stopped short and let out a sigh as her eyes fell upon the last picture. It was an accidental shot in all honesty. Hannah had been taking random pictures, but she had captured a priceless moment. It was a picture of Grace and Daniel dancing their first slow dance. Each wore an identical expression of honest love. They fit together like peanut butter and jelly. A perfect couple and a job well done, Hannah praised herself.

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