I got this picture off of Google from The Chicken Chick
There are many different breeds of chickens, but there is also many different egg colors. Before my dog and the neighbors dogs killed my chickens I didn't have Welsumers, Marrans, and Barnvelders. So when I order my next group of Babies I am going to add Marrans, Welsumers, and Barnvelders. They Lay the prettiest eggs!!!
These are Marran, Barnvelder, and Welsummer eggs!!!
I got this picture off of Google from California Hatchery.
Aren't these eggs just pretty. I think my buyers for eggs will love these eggs. They would go great with the aracauna eggs with maybe Orphington eggs!!!!! That would be such a gorgeous picture!
When I get a new breed of birds I usually always get a rooster so that way I can get pure breed babies!!! Like I am probably going to add White Polish to my flock and so I'll get a male and anywhere from 3-8 hens! But I am so excited about getting new baby chicks!!!
Ok so I tool a whole bunch of pictures of salmon faverolles off of Google!!! I love salmon Faverolles!!! And a whole bunch of differant breeds of chickens!!!
Living Life With Chickens
HumorChickens make me happy and all that comes with it: Laughs, Babies, Playing, Having Fun, and so much more. When you read this book it will give you things that chickens give you!!!